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    - Hoster
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FL Studio Cookbook : The lofi, retrowave, and horror music chef's guide to FL Studio music production (True PDF)


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

English | 2024 | ISBN: 1803245794 | 298 pages | True/Retail PDF EPUB | 30.23 MB​

Elevate your music production skills with expert help and confidently create unique melodies, soundscapes, and fully mastered tracks
Key Features

Explore FL Studio's essential features and plugins with expert guidance and a practical, recipe-based approach
Create captivating melodies for your tracks, then mix and master them like a professional
Delve deep into sound design techniques, automation, and FX creation for crafting dynamic music compositions
Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBook

Book Description

Whether it's overcoming creative blocks, troubleshooting technical issues, or refining your workflow, every budding producer faces challenges. The FL Studio Cookbook is here to provide practical solutions to common problems, empowering you to navigate any obstacle with ease by exploring one of the most renowned, industry-standard DAWs.

The recipe-based approach of this book means that you'll unlock the secrets of crafting captivating melodies and learn the art of composition with practical, step-by-step instructions, discovering how to construct melodies that evoke emotion and leave a lasting impression. From chord progressions to counterpoint, you'll get actionable insights to help you compose music that resonates with your audience. You'll also master the intricacies of mixing and mastering, by familiarizing yourself with the entire process from balancing levels and sculpting sounds to applying effects. You'll also explore the endless possibilities of sculpting sound from scratch, whether you're crafting custom synths, designing unique textures, or layering effects to create otherworldly sounds.

By the end of this book, you'll have acquired the skills to confidently craft professional-quality lofi, retrowave, and horror music tracks, gaining the expertise to express your musical vision and take your music production to new heights.
What you will learn

Navigate the FL Studio interface and utilize essential features effectively
Craft captivating melodies, harmonies, and chord progressions for your music
Manipulate samples to add depth and texture to your tracks
Master the art of mixing, including balancing levels, applying EQ, and using effects
Harness the potential of FL Studio's extensive plugin collection
Create dynamic tracks using automation techniques
Employ sound design techniques to craft unique sounds and FX
Optimize your workflow and productivity with timesaving strategies

Who this book is for

The book is for audio professionals, especially music producers and sound designers who want to get a more thorough understanding of FL Studio and how to use its features to create catchy melodies for their productions. The book assumes a basic understanding of Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs), prior experience with the mix workflow (import, edit, mix, FX).
Table of Contents

Cooking Music with FL Studio
Creating a Catchy Melody
Working with Samples
Mixing Your Track
Using Plugins
Creating Automation with FL Studio
Mastering Your Track
Tips and Tricks for Music Distribution
Making Horror Music with FL Studio
Making Retrowave/Synthwave Music with FL Studio
Making Lofi Music with FL Studio
Troubleshooting and Optimization in FL Studio

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