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Corel Painter v2017


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Corel Painter 2017 v16.0.0.400 Multilangual


Advance your digital art style with painted textures, subtle glazing brushwork, interactive gradients and realistic Natural-Media in Painter 2017. Easily transition from traditional to digital art with thick oils, dripping watercolors and many other texture-filled strokes. Explore workflow layouts like illustration, fine art, concept, manga and photo art with specialized tools for each style. Welcome to the world’s most expressive digital art software that’s changing what's possible in art.

New Texture painting from source content
New Dab Stencils for precise paint application
New Glazing brushes for translucent paint transitions
New Interactive gradients with express painting
New Artist layouts with tools for each genre

The most natural transition from traditional to digital art
Immerse yourself in painting software that offers the largest selection of Natural-Media® brushes and canvas textures on the market. Craft your art with stunning reality using an array of authentic dry and wet media. When combined with a pressure sensitive drawing solution, you will forget you are painting on a computer.

21st Century media you won’t find anywhere else
Create out-of-this-world art with Image Hoses that spray the object of your imagination. Liquid Ink that piles up and can be carved into. Particles that spring, flow and glow, and hyper-digital Pattern Pens that defy traditional art boundaries yet were brought to life by real artists.

Incomparable composition tools
Paint in perfect symmetry with Mirror and Kaleidoscope tools. Set a flawless scene with 1, 2 and 3-point Perspective Guides and craft the perfect composition using the Divine Proportion and Layout Grid tools built right into this stunning digital art software.

- Take advantage of Painter’s versatility to quickly develop concept designs for the production of motion pictures and games, or create professional promotional artwork.
- Whether creating a character illustration, package design, a promotional piece or publishing an illustration, Painter has the art software and tools you need to bring your vision to life.
- Painter’s wide range of sketching, drawing and inking tools will allow you to easily craft a colorful manga character or comic in a whimsical world.
- Use powerful Auto-Painting and Cloning tools to produce visually stunning painted keepsakes and sellable works of photo art in no time.
- Avoid toxic fumes and costly art supplies while mixing realistic natural media and supernatural media types in a way that only this digital art software can deliver.

Lang: Multi
Size: 332,22 MB
Format: .dmg
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

Corel Painter 2017 v16.1.0.456 Multilangual


Advance your digital art style with painted textures, subtle glazing brushwork, interactive gradients and realistic Natural-Media in Painter 2017. Easily transition from traditional to digital art with thick oils, dripping watercolors and many other texture-filled strokes. Explore workflow layouts like illustration, fine art, concept, manga and photo art with specialized tools for each style. Welcome to the world’s most expressive digital art software that’s changing what's possible in art.

New Texture painting from source content
New Dab Stencils for precise paint application
New Glazing brushes for translucent paint transitions
New Interactive gradients with express painting
New Artist layouts with tools for each genre

The most natural transition from traditional to digital art
Immerse yourself in painting software that offers the largest selection of Natural-Media® brushes and canvas textures on the market. Craft your art with stunning reality using an array of authentic dry and wet media. When combined with a pressure sensitive drawing solution, you will forget you are painting on a computer.

21st Century media you won’t find anywhere else
Create out-of-this-world art with Image Hoses that spray the object of your imagination. Liquid Ink that piles up and can be carved into. Particles that spring, flow and glow, and hyper-digital Pattern Pens that defy traditional art boundaries yet were brought to life by real artists.

Incomparable composition tools
Paint in perfect symmetry with Mirror and Kaleidoscope tools. Set a flawless scene with 1, 2 and 3-point Perspective Guides and craft the perfect composition using the Divine Proportion and Layout Grid tools built right into this stunning digital art software.

- Take advantage of Painter’s versatility to quickly develop concept designs for the production of motion pictures and games, or create professional promotional artwork.
- Whether creating a character illustration, package design, a promotional piece or publishing an illustration, Painter has the art software and tools you need to bring your vision to life.
- Painter’s wide range of sketching, drawing and inking tools will allow you to easily craft a colorful manga character or comic in a whimsical world.
- Use powerful Auto-Painting and Cloning tools to produce visually stunning painted keepsakes and sellable works of photo art in no time.
- Avoid toxic fumes and costly art supplies while mixing realistic natural media and supernatural media types in a way that only this digital art software can deliver.

Lang: Multi
Size: 410 MB
Format: .dmg
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

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