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Cinesamples CineBrass Core v1.x


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Cinesamples CineBrass Core v1.8 KONTAKT + Update || Englisch


The CineBrass Library is Cinesamplеs' orchestral brass sample library for Kontakt. Recorded at the world famous SONY Pictures Scoring Stage in Los Angeles, and mixed by veteran legend Dennis Sands (Oz: the Great and Powerful, Argo, Avengers, Back to the Future, Forrest Gump, Shawshank Redemption, American Beauty).

CineBrass is revolutionary in its power and simplicity for recreating the sound of the orchestral brass section. The library was designed by composers, for composers, with direct feedback from the film music community during its development. The result is a brass library that is easy to use, composer-friendly, with unparalleled recording quality. CineBrass does not require you to purchase any sampling software, and is licensed to work with the free Kontakt Player. All you need is a sequencer like Logic, Cubase, Digital Performer, LIVE, Cakewalk, or even Apple GarageBand and you'll be up and running. You can also use CineBrass with your favorite notation software such as Sibelius or Finale.

The CineBrass Core Library covers the essentials of the orchestral brass section, and functions as a foundation in our composing templates. All of the Articulations Patches in CineBrass contain shorts of various lengths and dynamics, as well as sustains. We recorded multiple repetitions per note and multiple dynamics as follows:
* Eighths Staccato @ 8xRR p to ff
* Quarters Tenuto @ 4xRR p to ff
* Halves Marcato @ 2xRR p to ff
* Sustains with smooth dynamic morphing

Also, all of the mapping in the Articulations Patches is dynamic, so you can select from 5 intuitive presets in the user interface. A custom mapping grid is offered, for users who wish to customize the parameters beyond the presets. Every parameter and value is changeable, and nearly any combination is possible. Of course, if you are not a tweaker, you can stick with one of the 5 preset mappings (recommended).

True Legato Patches
What is True Legato? True legato means that we sampled all of the intervalic leaps throughout the ranges, both upwards and downwards, for each brass section. When you play a True Legato patch, it instantly analyses the intervals you play, then plays the appropriate transitional leap between the notes. The result is a smooth and realistic legato performance. For all sections we did this at 2 dynamic levels, again using our dynamic morphing to blend seamlessly from piano to fortissimo. A key feature of our True Legato patches, is the Polyphonic Legato mode. This mode allows you to play lines of 2 or more notes simultaneously, while maintaining the appropriate transition samples between all notes. This is especially effective when playing chords that need to connect in a realistic way. These true legato patches are taken from the full articulation patches, and can be triggered in the full articulation patches by holding the down the pedal (by default.) We have included these separate patches for ease of access to the legato patches. Separated Patch List: We have included short and sustain patch splits which are derived from the full articulation patches, so that if you want to have separate tracks and instruments for each of the articulations you can quickly drag them in to form your own MULTI. For example the Six Horn Patch has Legato Sustains, eighths, quarters, whole in the articulation patch. In a sub folder we have split each of these and set them as a default (FYI - it will still load the full set) to form 4 separate instrument patches.




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