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Altair Inspire Form 2021.2.2 (x64)


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Altair Inspire Form 2021.2.2 (x64)


File Size: 2.4 GB

Altair Inspire Form (formerly Click2Form) is a complete stamping simulation environment that can effectively be used by product designers and process engineers to optimize designs, simulate robust manufacturing and reduce material costs. With the fast and easy feasibility module, users can analyze parts in seconds to predict formability early in the product development cycle. The automated blank nesting proposes an efficient layout of the flattened blank on the sheet coil to maximize material utilization. The tryout module includes a highly scalable incremental solver, helping users to iterate and simulate multi-stage forming, trimming and springback in a modern and intuitive user interface, reducing complexity and making the production of high quality parts more economical.

Design Better Products
Altair Inspire Form enables users to quickly and reliably check the formability of apart early in the product design cycle. With Altair Inspire Form, users can visualize potential defects such as splits or wrinkles, and then modify to eliminate defects and improve overall design.

Easy to Use
Altair Inspire Form has a simple and highly intuitive workflow which is easy to learn and apply. Standard training sessions for last only 4-6 hours although most users can learn Altair Inspire Form applications with no formal training at all!

Altair Inspire Form predicts accurate blank shapes that can be optimally nested in progressive and transfer die layouts within manufacturing constraints to save material and cost.

Geometry Creation and Simplification
Extract midsurface, fill holes and cutouts, remove flanges using Altair Inspire Form's geometry preparation tools. In addition, use Altair Inspire™ tools to create and modify geometry.

Model Setup
If the part geometry is available in car coordinates, Altair Inspire Form automatically calculates the best stamping direction. The user can also specify the stamping direction. It is also possible to apply restraining forces corresponding to blankholder and drawbeads.

Materials Library
Altair Inspire Form provides a material library with properties for standard steel and aluminum grades. It is also possible to create a new material and save it within the user database.

Analysis and Results Visualization
The flat blank needed to form the part shape is available at the end of the analysis. Visualize thinning and other defects such as splits, wrinkles and loose metal.

Multi-stage Virtual Tryout
Optimize the manufacturing process setting up single and multistage metal forming virtual tryout tools. The fast and scalable incremental solver supports forming and trimming, giving the ability to accurately analyze material flow, splits, wrinkles, lose metal, and springback.

What's New
Read: InspireForm_2021.2.2_ReleaseNotes.pdf


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