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Aero Glass für Windows 8 v1



Aero Glass für Windows 8 v1

Aero Glass für Windows 8 v1.3 Final
[Automatische Aktivierung]


Unter Windows 8 den beliebten Aero Transparenz-Effekt zurückholen - mit der "Aero Glass" ein Kinderspiel.

Den mit Vista eingeführten Transparenz-Effekt Aero hat Microsoft in Windows 8 wieder gestrichen. "Aero Glass" bringt ihn jetzt zurück.

Zur Darstellung der Transparenz setzt "Aero Glass" vollständig auf native System-Komponenten. Die arbeitet damit einerseits besonders ressourcenschonend und integriert sich andererseits perfekt ins System: Direkt im Anpassen-Menü von Windows steuern Sie die Stärke der Transparenz, individuelle Farb-Einstellungen werden dabei übernommen.

Praktischer Nebeneffekt: "Aero Glass" nimmt keine Änderungen an System-Dateien vor und lässt sich damit gefahrlos installieren.

Hoster: Uploaded.to, Oboom.com
Größe: 4 MB
Format: exe
Sprache: Englisch





Aero Glass v1.3 Final

Englisch // 32 + 64-Bit // Painter-Release (PreCracked) // 18.07.2014


Unter Windows 8 den beliebten Aero Transparenz-Effekt zurückholen - mit der "Aero Glass" ein Kinderspiel.

Den mit Vista eingeführten Transparenz-Effekt Aero hat Microsoft in Windows 8 wieder gestrichen. "Aero Glass" bringt ihn jetzt zurück.

Zur Darstellung der Transparenz setzt "Aero Glass" vollständig auf native System-Komponenten. Die arbeitet damit einerseits besonders ressourcenschonend und integriert sich andererseits perfekt ins System: Direkt im Anpassen-Menü von Windows steuern Sie die Stärke der Transparenz, individuelle Farb-Einstellungen werden dabei übernommen.

Praktischer Nebeneffekt: "Aero Glass" nimmt keine Änderungen an System-Dateien vor und lässt sich damit gefahrlos installieren.

Uploaded / Share-Online
4 Mb (RAR/EXE)
Microsoft 8/8.1 (32 oder 64-Bit)
Parts: 1
Passwort: 4all
Aero Glass for Windows 8.1 + Windows 10



Plattform (OS): Windows x86 + x64
Version: 1.41
Freischaltungstyp: Retail
Releasegroup: unknown
Dateiformat (Typ) nach entpacken: .exe


ShareOnline, Uploaded

Sprache: irrelevant
Größe: 24 MB
Anz. Parts/Archive: 1

Passwort: Download:

Viel Spaß wünscht euch G4L
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Aero Glass 1.4.6 / 1.5.1 for Windows 8 / Windows 10


Aero Glass integrates into the the Desktop Windows Manager without compromising any system components. It uses the native Direct3D device to render the effects and colors. You can change the transparency and base colors directly from the Windows Colorization Control Panel.

This utility returns the complete glass effect into windows frames.
- Apply glass look to windows borders
- Blur the content behind the borders to improve UI experience
- Change amount of transparency in Control panels directly
- Change inactive windows borders color
- Skin windows borders (add glow, shadows etc.) without changing Windows theme
- Fully native including MSStyle themes and DWM API compatibility
- Low resources usage

Glass look
Your windows will be rendered with transparent borders. This look allows you to see what is behind the border. The key element is the blurring of content behind the glass borders to prevent it from being too clear and disturbing. The result is very smart window border!

Fully native
The utility is completely integrated into Desktop Window Manager without breaking any system protection or modifying system files. All rendering is done via native Direct3D device. Any colorization settings adjusted in Windows Control Panels are respected. Use color intensity slider to adjust the amount of the transparency.

No custom skinning engine used. Due to the native nature of this utility your Windows theme is composited together with the glass effect. All features controlled through DWM API (e.g. DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow or DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea) are supported including the taskbar or custom Start menu blur effect.

Low resources usage!
This library tries to utilize all DWM resources as much as possible to minimize RAM and VRAM usage. No redudant objects are created, no background service is running (Win8 only; Win8.1 version needs light-weight background process to correctly load user's settings). The result is light-weight library which behaves exactly in the same way as Aero Glass in Windows 7 did. No performance degradation!

Theme your windows!
You can change the look of your windows borders completely without touching your Windows theme or using unsigned theme. This allows you to bring back several effects such as window shadow, caption glow effect, rounded borders or simply change the appearence of caption buttons. You just modify single bitmap in your favourite image editor and everything will look as you want!

What's New in Version 1.5.1 (For Win10 10.0.14393 only):
* optimization: don't use glass safety zone when rendered region does not contain glass
* fixed glass safety zone render transformation
* DWM\ColorizationColor(Inactive) settings can be used again for setting frame edge color
* DWM\ColorPrevalence settings is respected

What's New in Version 1.4.6 (For Win8.1 6.3.9600 and for Win10 up to 10.0.10586):
* hardcoded symbol patterns for build 10586.589
* dirty region optimization fixes
* when DWM process crashes too often, Aero Glass will stop injecting
* fixed data sharing between more drawings in one pass

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 6,35 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

Aero Glass v1.4.6 & 1.5.1 für Windows 8/10
Englisch / PreCracked (Painter-Release)



Unter Windows 8 den beliebten Aero Transparenz-Effekt zurückholen - mit der "Aero Glass" ein Kinderspiel.

Den mit Vista eingeführten Transparenz-Effekt Aero hat Microsoft in Windows 8 wieder gestrichen. "Aero Glass" bringt ihn jetzt zurück.

Zur Darstellung der Transparenz setzt "Aero Glass" vollständig auf native System-Komponenten. Die arbeitet damit einerseits besonders ressourcenschonend und integriert sich andererseits perfekt ins System: Direkt im Anpassen-Menü von Windows steuern Sie die Stärke der Transparenz, individuelle Farb-Einstellungen werden dabei übernommen.

Praktischer Nebeneffekt: "Aero Glass" nimmt keine Änderungen an System-Dateien vor und lässt sich damit gefahrlos installieren.

Größe: 6,00 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows 32 + 64 Bits
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, Oboom
Passwort: Keins




Aero Glass for Windows 8 / Windows 10


Aero Glass integrates into the the Desktop Windows Manager without compromising any system components. It uses the native Direct3D device to render the effects and colors. You can change the transparency and base colors directly from the Windows Colorization Control Panel.

This utility returns the complete glass effect into windows frames.
- Apply glass look to windows borders
- Blur the content behind the borders to improve UI experience
- Change amount of transparency in Control panels directly
- Change inactive windows borders color
- Skin windows borders (add glow, shadows etc.) without changing Windows theme
- Fully native including MSStyle themes and DWM API compatibility
- Low resources usage

Glass look
Your windows will be rendered with transparent borders. This look allows you to see what is behind the border. The key element is the blurring of content behind the glass borders to prevent it from being too clear and disturbing. The result is very smart window border!

Fully native
The utility is completely integrated into Desktop Window Manager without breaking any system protection or modifying system files. All rendering is done via native Direct3D device. Any colorization settings adjusted in Windows Control Panels are respected. Use color intensity slider to adjust the amount of the transparency.

No custom skinning engine used. Due to the native nature of this utility your Windows theme is composited together with the glass effect. All features controlled through DWM API (e.g. DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow or DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea) are supported including the taskbar or custom Start menu blur effect.

Low resources usage!
This library tries to utilize all DWM resources as much as possible to minimize RAM and VRAM usage. No redudant objects are created, no background service is running (Win8 only; Win8.1 version needs light-weight background process to correctly load user's settings). The result is light-weight library which behaves exactly in the same way as Aero Glass in Windows 7 did. No performance degradation!

Theme your windows!
You can change the look of your windows borders completely without touching your Windows theme or using unsigned theme. This allows you to bring back several effects such as window shadow, caption glow effect, rounded borders or simply change the appearence of caption buttons. You just modify single bitmap in your favourite image editor and everything will look as you want!

What's New in Version 1.5.1 (For Win10 10.0.14393 only):
* optimization: don't use glass safety zone when rendered region does not contain glass
* fixed glass safety zone render transformation
* DWM\ColorizationColor(Inactive) settings can be used again for setting frame edge color
* DWM\ColorPrevalence settings is respected

What's New in Version 1.4.6 (For Win8.1 6.3.9600 and for Win10 up to 10.0.10586):
* hardcoded symbol patterns for build 10586.589
* dirty region optimization fixes
* when DWM process crashes too often, Aero Glass will stop injecting
* fixed data sharing between more drawings in one pass

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 6,35 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

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