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Aeon Timeline v2


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Aeon Timeline 2.1.3


Aeon Timeline is the timeline tool for creative thinking. Most traditional timeline applications are designed to suit a single need: to create an attractive display of one- dimensional time. They are presentational, static, and perfectly suited to overhead slides and projectors.

More than just a timeline
Track all the information that matters
Aeon Timeline is more than a series of events on a never ending line. With Aeon, you can divide your timeline into logical groups, projects, or concurrent arcs. You can model the relationships between events and people, places and ideas. Aeon calculates people's ages for you. And you can link your events with research material such as external files or images that can be displayed inside the application.

Ultimate Flexibility
Configure timelines to suit your needs
Select the timeline style you want, from standard events with fixed dates to relative dates counting hours, days, or weeks from a nominal zero. Decide what precision you want to use for each event, from complete date/time down to an entire year. And if the standard calendars are not enough for you, you can create your own custom Fantasy Calendars and define your own eras, months, and weekdays.

Direct Data Manipulation
Add, drag and edit events on-the-fly
We care about how you use the timeline, not just how it looks. Most timeline applications are static tools designed for presentation rather than creation. With Aeon, you can navigate your timeline, add events with a double click, and then drag them around the timeline or between arcs with ease. Text can be edited in-place directly on the timeline, and images can be added to events via drag and drop.

Hide Complex Data
Focus on what is important to you now
The only thing more important than capturing all of your complex data is not letting it distract you from your current task. With Aeon, you can filter events according to people, places, arcs, labels and tags. Zoom out to a wide view of your whole timeline, or zoom in to view the time scale you are currently working on. The Context Bar at the bottom will ensure you never get lost.

Data Interoperability
Import, export, print and synchronize
We know that your timeline is a tool to help you in another task, be it writing a novel, planning a project, or researching a case. Printing and image exporting allow you to capture your entire file, or just what is visible on the screen. Our text-based importing and exporting allows you to move data into and out of other applications. And for writers, Aeon Timeline can sync your timeline data directly with your Scrivener 2 project.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 55,84 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

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