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    Trojaner- und Virusalarm

    - Falls Euer Virenscanner bei einem Angebot Alarm schlägt, solltet ihr zunächst Ruhe bewahren. Viele Virenscanner erkennen Cracks/Keygens oft fälschlicherweise als Bedrohung.
    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

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Plagiarism Checker X v4


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Plagiarism Checker X
incl. KeyGen | Sprache: englisch



You can find existence of your content over the web. It is for Teachers, Students, Publishers. Plagiarism is constant headache for students, teachers, web content writers, website admins, and online publishers. With the availability of resources online, the trend of copy/paste has been growing. This is not only against professional ethics but also violates copyrights, which may result in lawsuits. Therefore, everyone tries to avoid being in trouble. With Plagiarism Checker X in hand, users can avoid such problems easily.

As Easy as you can Imagine!

Simply paste the content (or load the document) in the software and hit analyze button. Software will check each and every sentence in all leading search engines (Google, Yahoo, and Bing). It delivers comprehensive HTML report in a short time, which you can save for your convenience or reference. A website owner can use the “check your webpages” section to check the quality of the website’s content. If that is copied or has been copied, Plagiarism Checker X will guide you to the end destinations.

Plagiarism Detector Features

Data Privacy

Plagiarism Checker X fully respects your data privacy and everything you paste inside the software remains undisclosed. As you know, this is a software not service: so you use it right from your desktop. We will use this data only for plagiarism checking. You can read our privacy policy to know about your rights, in details.

Accuracy and Speed

A comparative analysis of various products and online plagiarism checking tools has shown that our product is 3 time faster than its competitors. You can receive a complete HTML report in few seconds. However, this speed does not impact the accuracy. Experience it yourself by downloading the product and trying for free.
Categorization and Highlighted Reports

During the development of our ‘plagiarism checking tool’, we have kept ‘ease of use’ prior to everything else. Using Plagiarism Checker X is not just simple but also fun. The copied content is given a particular color, depending on the percentage of the duplication. Blue and yellow are bearable while red indicates an alarming situation, where removal is the only option.

Comprehensive HTML Report

Whenever you are writing an assignment or blog post; make sure to use some plagiarism checking software to ensure originality. A detailed HTML report is a unique feature that makes Plagiarism Checker X equally effective tool for students and publishers. Instantly check status of the content and receive the list of all pages, where the particular sentence/paragraph/article is available.

Reach the Original Source

PlagiarismCheckerX is the finest online plagiarism detector owing to its comprehensive reporting. We take you one step ahead in content scanning by leading to the original destination of the content. When you submit your written work for checking, it displays you some URLS that have the same content as your submitted material. This means, you can easily identify if the data is copied.

Search Engine Flipping

One of the serious bugs in many online plagiarism checkers is their inability to check content in multiple search engines. They focus Google and forget about the rest, which is wrong actually. From SEO perspective, this is very important to check content availability in every search engine. We have added ‘auto-flipping’ feature in the latest version of PlagiarismCheckerX, which checks your content in leading search engines automatically.

New in version 4.0.13
Megamenu for customization of words match limit.
Generate reports for side by side comparison.
Many other minor fixes.


Parts: 1
Format: RAR

Size: 11.63 MB


Plagiarism Checker X v4.0.1.3
English | Win All | Patch | RAR=>.exe | 12 MB


Plagiarism is constant headache for students, teachers, web content writers, website admins, and online publishers. With the availability of resources online, the trend of copy/paste has been growing. This is not only against professional ethics but also violates copyrights, which may result in lawsuits. Therefore, everyone tries to avoid being in trouble. With Plagiarism Checker X in hand, users can avoid such problems easily.

As Easy as you can Imagine!
Simply paste the content (or load the document) in the software and hit analyze button. Software will check each and every sentence in all leading search engines (Google, Yahoo, and Bing). It delivers comprehensive HTML report in a short time, which you can save for your convenience or reference. A website owner can use the “check your webpages” section to check the quality of the website’s content. If that is copied or has been copied, Plagiarism Checker X will guide you to the end destinations.

Plagiarism Detector Features

Oben Unten