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Scientific Toolworks Understand v5


Warez Upper
Scientific Toolworks Understand v5.0.943

Englisch / inkl. Keygen AMPED



Understand provides you with pertinent information regarding your code. Quickly see all information on functions, classes, variables, etc., how they are used, called, modified, and interacted with. Easily see call trees, metrics, references and any other information you would want to know about your code.

Metrics & Reports
Understand is very efficient at collecting metrics about the code and providing different ways for you to view it. There is a substantial collection of standard metrics quickly available as well as options for writing your own custom metrics when we don’t cover exactly what you need.

Understand offers graphs that allow you to see how your code connects (dependencies), how it flows (control flow graphs), what functions call other functions (call graphs), and many more. There are many customization options to easily allow you to display only what you are interested in seeing so the graph is best suited to what you need.

Standards Testing
Understand provides a way to check your code using published coding standards, or your own custom standards. These checks can be used to verify naming guidelines, metric requirements, published best practices, or any other rules or conventions that are important for your team.

Dependency Analysis
See all the dependencies in your code and how they connect. See these dependencies using Understand’s interactive graph or using the textual Dependency Browser. Both allow you to see all dependencies quickly and easily at a high level or dig in and get the details.

Understand’s powerful editor is a full modern programming GUI that incorporates all the modern features you would expect. It is designed from the ground-up for multi-monitor use and it includes tabs, tab groups, docking, syntax colorization, auto-completion, and syntax-based collapsing and folding just to name a few.

Multiple options are available for searching in Understand. For instant results, use our “Instant Search” feature which provides results before you are even done typing. Understand also provides search options for more customized and complicated searches, such as Regular Expression and Wildcard searches.

Understand supports more than a dozen languages and can handle code bases that are written in multiple languages. This allows you to see calls and dependencies between languages so you can get information about the complete system.

Größe: 150 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Microsoft Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (32 oder 64-Bit)
Hoster: Share-Online, FileFactory, Oboom



Scientific Toolworks Understand 5.1.992 || Englisch


Understand provides you with pertinent information regarding your code. Quickly see all information on functions, classes, variables, etc., how they are used, called, modified, and interacted with. Easily see call trees, metrics, references and any other information you would want to know about your code.







DOWNLOAD x86 || 129 MB || Format: exe

DOWNLOAD x64 || 147 MB || Format: exe

Scientific Toolworks Understand v5.1.993 x64 Incl Keygen-AMPED


Scientific Toolworks Understand v5.1.993 x64 Incl Keygen-AMPED

File Size: 144 MiB

Understand provides you with pertinent information regarding your code. Quickly see all information on functions, classes, variables, etc., how they are used, called, modified, and interacted with. Easily see call trees, metrics, references and any other information you would want to know about your code.

Metrics & Reports
Understand is very efficient at collecting metrics about the code and providing different ways for you to view it. There is a substantial collection of standard metrics quickly available as well as options for writing your own custom metrics when we don't cover exactly what you need.

Understand offers graphs that allow you to see how your code connects (dependencies), how it flows (control flow graphs), what functions call other functions (call graphs), and many more. There are many customization options to easily allow you to display only what you are interested in seeing so the graph is best suited to what you need.

Standards Testing
Understand provides a way to check your code using published coding standards, or your own custom standards. These checks can be used to verify naming guidelines, metric requirements, published best practices, or any other rules or conventions that are important for your team.

Dependency Analysis
See all the dependencies in your code and how they connect. See these dependencies using Understand's interactive graph or using the textual Dependency Browser. Both allow you to see all dependencies quickly and easily at a high level or dig in and get the details.

Understand's powerful editor is a full modern programming GUI that incorporates all the modern features you would expect. It is designed from the ground-up for multi-monitor use and it includes tabs, tab groups, docking, syntax colorization, auto-completion, and syntax-based collapsing and folding just to name a few.

Multiple options are available for searching in Understand. For instant results, use our "Instant Search" feature which provides results before you are even done typing. Understand also provides search options for more customized and complicated searches, such as Regular Expression and Wildcard searches.

Understand supports more than a dozen languages and can handle code bases that are written in multiple languages. This allows you to see calls and dependencies between languages so you can get information about the complete system.

Operating System: Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10

Installation Steps:

1 - Unpack the release into a directory of your choice
2 - Run the installer and install it
3 - Register using serial from /crack directory
4 - Enjoy this fine AMPED release, but buy it if you will use it
5 - As always, make sure to have a firewall to block outbound connections

Scientific Toolworks Understand v5.1.993 x86 Incl Keygen-AMPED


Scientific Toolworks Understand v5.1.993 x86 Incl Keygen-AMPED

File Size: 127 MiB

Understand provides you with pertinent information regarding your code. Quickly see all information on functions, classes, variables, etc., how they are used, called, modified, and interacted with. Easily see call trees, metrics, references and any other information you would want to know about your code.

Metrics & Reports
Understand is very efficient at collecting metrics about the code and providing different ways for you to view it. There is a substantial collection of standard metrics quickly available as well as options for writing your own custom metrics when we don't cover exactly what you need.

Understand offers graphs that allow you to see how your code connects (dependencies), how it flows (control flow graphs), what functions call other functions (call graphs), and many more. There are many customization options to easily allow you to display only what you are interested in seeing so the graph is best suited to what you need.

Standards Testing
Understand provides a way to check your code using published coding standards, or your own custom standards. These checks can be used to verify naming guidelines, metric requirements, published best practices, or any other rules or conventions that are important for your team.

Dependency Analysis
See all the dependencies in your code and how they connect. See these dependencies using Understand's interactive graph or using the textual Dependency Browser. Both allow you to see all dependencies quickly and easily at a high level or dig in and get the details.

Understand's powerful editor is a full modern programming GUI that incorporates all the modern features you would expect. It is designed from the ground-up for multi-monitor use and it includes tabs, tab groups, docking, syntax colorization, auto-completion, and syntax-based collapsing and folding just to name a few.

Multiple options are available for searching in Understand. For instant results, use our "Instant Search" feature which provides results before you are even done typing. Understand also provides search options for more customized and complicated searches, such as Regular Expression and Wildcard searches.

Understand supports more than a dozen languages and can handle code bases that are written in multiple languages. This allows you to see calls and dependencies between languages so you can get information about the complete system.

Operating System: Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10

Installation Steps:

1 - Unpack the release into a directory of your choice
2 - Run the installer and install it
3 - Register using serial from /crack directory
4 - Enjoy this fine AMPED release, but buy it if you will use it
5 - As always, make sure to have a firewall to block outbound connections

Scientific Toolworks Understand 5.1.1021


Scientific Toolworks Understand 5.1.1021 | 134/154 MB

Understand provides you with pertinent information regarding your code. Quickly see all information on functions, classes, variables, etc., how they are used, called, modified, and interacted with. Easily see call trees, metrics, references and any other information you would want to know about your code.

Metrics & Reports
Understand is very efficient at collecting metrics about the code and providing different ways for you to view it. There is a substantial collection of standard metrics quickly available as well as options for writing your own custom metrics when we don't cover exactly what you need.

Understand offers graphs that allow you to see how your code connects (dependencies), how it flows (control flow graphs), what functions call other functions (call graphs), and many more. There are many customization options to easily allow you to display only what you are interested in seeing so the graph is best suited to what you need.

Standards Testing
Understand provides a way to check your code using published coding standards, or your own custom standards. These checks can be used to verify naming guidelines, metric requirements, published best practices, or any other rules or conventions that are important for your team.

Dependency Analysis
See all the dependencies in your code and how they connect. See these dependencies using Understand's interactive graph or using the textual Dependency Browser. Both allow you to see all dependencies quickly and easily at a high level or dig in and get the details.

Understand's powerful editor is a full modern programming GUI that incorporates all the modern features you would expect. It is designed from the ground-up for multi-monitor use and it includes tabs, tab groups, docking, syntax colorization, auto-completion, and syntax-based collapsing and folding just to name a few.

Multiple options are available for searching in Understand. For instant results, use our "Instant Search" feature which provides results before you are even done typing. Understand also provides search options for more customized and complicated searches, such as Regular Expression and Wildcard searches.

Understand supports more than a dozen languages and can handle code bases that are written in multiple languages. This allows you to see calls and dependencies between languages so you can get information about the complete system.

Operating System: Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10

Home Page -


Scientific Toolworks Understand 5.1.1023 (x86/x64)


Scientific Toolworks Understand 5.1.1023 (x86/x64) | 130/149 MB

Understand provides you with pertinent information regarding your code. Quickly see all information on functions, classes, variables, etc., how they are used, called, modified, and interacted with. Easily see call trees, metrics, references and any other information you would want to know about your code.

Metrics & Reports
Understand is very efficient at collecting metrics about the code and providing different ways for you to view it. There is a substantial collection of standard metrics quickly available as well as options for writing your own custom metrics when we don't cover exactly what you need.

Understand offers graphs that allow you to see how your code connects (dependencies), how it flows (control flow graphs), what functions call other functions (call graphs), and many more. There are many customization options to easily allow you to display only what you are interested in seeing so the graph is best suited to what you need.

Standards Testing
Understand provides a way to check your code using published coding standards, or your own custom standards. These checks can be used to verify naming guidelines, metric requirements, published best practices, or any other rules or conventions that are important for your team.

Dependency Analysis
See all the dependencies in your code and how they connect. See these dependencies using Understand's interactive graph or using the textual Dependency Browser. Both allow you to see all dependencies quickly and easily at a high level or dig in and get the details.

Understand's powerful editor is a full modern programming GUI that incorporates all the modern features you would expect. It is designed from the ground-up for multi-monitor use and it includes tabs, tab groups, docking, syntax colorization, auto-completion, and syntax-based collapsing and folding just to name a few.

Multiple options are available for searching in Understand. For instant results, use our "Instant Search" feature which provides results before you are even done typing. Understand also provides search options for more customized and complicated searches, such as Regular Expression and Wildcard searches.

Understand supports more than a dozen languages and can handle code bases that are written in multiple languages. This allows you to see calls and dependencies between languages so you can get information about the complete system.

Operating System: Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10

Home Page -


Scientific Toolworks Understand 5.1.1024


Scientific Toolworks Understand 5.1.1024 | 288 MB

Understand provides you with pertinent information regarding your code. Quickly see all information on functions, classes, variables, etc., how they are used, called, modified, and interacted with. Easily see call trees, metrics, references and any other information you would want to know about your code.

Metrics & Reports
Understand is very efficient at collecting metrics about the code and providing different ways for you to view it. There is a substantial collection of standard metrics quickly available as well as options for writing your own custom metrics when we don't cover exactly what you need.

Understand offers graphs that allow you to see how your code connects (dependencies), how it flows (control flow graphs), what functions call other functions (call graphs), and many more. There are many customization options to easily allow you to display only what you are interested in seeing so the graph is best suited to what you need.

Standards Testing
Understand provides a way to check your code using published coding standards, or your own custom standards. These checks can be used to verify naming guidelines, metric requirements, published best practices, or any other rules or conventions that are important for your team.

Dependency Analysis
See all the dependencies in your code and how they connect. See these dependencies using Understand's interactive graph or using the textual Dependency Browser. Both allow you to see all dependencies quickly and easily at a high level or dig in and get the details.

Understand's powerful editor is a full modern programming GUI that incorporates all the modern features you would expect. It is designed from the ground-up for multi-monitor use and it includes tabs, tab groups, docking, syntax colorization, auto-completion, and syntax-based collapsing and folding just to name a few.

Multiple options are available for searching in Understand. For instant results, use our "Instant Search" feature which provides results before you are even done typing. Understand also provides search options for more customized and complicated searches, such as Regular Expression and Wildcard searches.

Understand supports more than a dozen languages and can handle code bases that are written in multiple languages. This allows you to see calls and dependencies between languages so you can get information about the complete system.

Operating System: Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10

Home Page -


Scientific Toolworks Understand 5.1.1025 (x86/x64)


Scientific Toolworks Understand 5.1.1025 (x86/x64) | 135/154 MB

Understand provides you with pertinent information regarding your code. Quickly see all information on functions, classes, variables, etc., how they are used, called, modified, and interacted with. Easily see call trees, metrics, references and any other information you would want to know about your code.

Metrics & Reports
Understand is very efficient at collecting metrics about the code and providing different ways for you to view it. There is a substantial collection of standard metrics quickly available as well as options for writing your own custom metrics when we don't cover exactly what you need.

Understand offers graphs that allow you to see how your code connects (dependencies), how it flows (control flow graphs), what functions call other functions (call graphs), and many more. There are many customization options to easily allow you to display only what you are interested in seeing so the graph is best suited to what you need.

Standards Testing
Understand provides a way to check your code using published coding standards, or your own custom standards. These checks can be used to verify naming guidelines, metric requirements, published best practices, or any other rules or conventions that are important for your team.

Dependency Analysis
See all the dependencies in your code and how they connect. See these dependencies using Understand's interactive graph or using the textual Dependency Browser. Both allow you to see all dependencies quickly and easily at a high level or dig in and get the details.

Understand's powerful editor is a full modern programming GUI that incorporates all the modern features you would expect. It is designed from the ground-up for multi-monitor use and it includes tabs, tab groups, docking, syntax colorization, auto-completion, and syntax-based collapsing and folding just to name a few.

Multiple options are available for searching in Understand. For instant results, use our "Instant Search" feature which provides results before you are even done typing. Understand also provides search options for more customized and complicated searches, such as Regular Expression and Wildcard searches.

Understand supports more than a dozen languages and can handle code bases that are written in multiple languages. This allows you to see calls and dependencies between languages so you can get information about the complete system.

Operating System: Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10

Home Page -


Scientific Toolworks Understand 5.1.1026 (x86/x64)


Scientific Toolworks Understand 5.1.1026 (x86/x64) | 289 MB

Understand provides you with pertinent information regarding your code. Quickly see all information on functions, classes, variables, etc., how they are used, called, modified, and interacted with. Easily see call trees, metrics, references and any other information you would want to know about your code.

Metrics & Reports
Understand is very efficient at collecting metrics about the code and providing different ways for you to view it. There is a substantial collection of standard metrics quickly available as well as options for writing your own custom metrics when we don't cover exactly what you need.

Understand offers graphs that allow you to see how your code connects (dependencies), how it flows (control flow graphs), what functions call other functions (call graphs), and many more. There are many customization options to easily allow you to display only what you are interested in seeing so the graph is best suited to what you need.

Standards Testing
Understand provides a way to check your code using published coding standards, or your own custom standards. These checks can be used to verify naming guidelines, metric requirements, published best practices, or any other rules or conventions that are important for your team.

Dependency Analysis
See all the dependencies in your code and how they connect. See these dependencies using Understand's interactive graph or using the textual Dependency Browser. Both allow you to see all dependencies quickly and easily at a high level or dig in and get the details.

Understand's powerful editor is a full modern programming GUI that incorporates all the modern features you would expect. It is designed from the ground-up for multi-monitor use and it includes tabs, tab groups, docking, syntax colorization, auto-completion, and syntax-based collapsing and folding just to name a few.

Multiple options are available for searching in Understand. For instant results, use our "Instant Search" feature which provides results before you are even done typing. Understand also provides search options for more customized and complicated searches, such as Regular Expression and Wildcard searches.

Understand supports more than a dozen languages and can handle code bases that are written in multiple languages. This allows you to see calls and dependencies between languages so you can get information about the complete system.

Operating System: Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10

Home Page -


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