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    Unerwünschte Angebote

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Tableau Desktop Pro v10


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Tableau Desktop Pro 10.3.0 (x86/x64)

Tableau Desktop Pro is a business intelligence tool that allows you to easily visualise, analyse and share large amounts of data.

Visual analysis in a click - Powerful analytical tools—at your fingertips. Filter data dynamically, split trends across different categories or run an in-depth cohort analysis. Double-click geographic fields to put data on a map. All without writing a single line of code.

Deep statistics - Go deeper into your data with new calculations on existing data. Make one-click forecasts, build box plots and see statistical summaries of your data. Run trend analyses, regressions, correlations, and much more. PhD not required.

Metadata management - Make better sense of your available data—quickly and easily. Rename fields and modify number formats. Combine fields into groups. Create subsets of your data by simply selecting groups of points. Use those sets to filter other views. Build new hierarchies. Now it’s easy for you to make your data understandable to everyone.

Best practices built in - You get the benefit of years of research on the best ways to represent data, built right into your workflow. Optimized color schemes, automatic chart types and elegant design. Communicate insight in the most effective way, automatically.

Data engine - When you want to take data offline or bring it in-memory, Tableau’s Data Engine lets you extract data for ad hoc analysis of massive data in seconds. It combines advances in database and computer graphics technology to make even huge datasets possible to analyze on a laptop or mobile device.

VizQL technology - VizQL is a patented technology based on years of research at Stanford University. It translates mouse clicks into database queries and displays the response graphically. Data visualization becomes the process for discovering insights and sharing them with others.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 590 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

Tableau Desktop Pro v10.3.0

Englisch / Crack (Dll)



Tableau ist 10 bis 100 Mal schneller als andere vorhandene Lösungen. Es ist so konzipiert, dass die Analyse Ihrem Gedankengang folgt und ihn unterstützt. Ziehen Sie Elemente per Drag-and-drop in den Arbeitsbereich. Nutzen Sie Ihre angeborene Fähigkeit, visuelle Muster schnell zu erkennen. Erleben Sie eine schnelle und benutzerfreundliche Analyselösung.

Größe: 590,40 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows 32 + 64 Bits
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online



Tableau Desktop Pro 10.4.0 (x86/x64)

Tableau Desktop Pro is a business intelligence tool that allows you to easily visualise, analyse and share large amounts of data.

Visual analysis in a click - Powerful analytical tools—at your fingertips. Filter data dynamically, split trends across different categories or run an in-depth cohort analysis. Double-click geographic fields to put data on a map. All without writing a single line of code.

Deep statistics - Go deeper into your data with new calculations on existing data. Make one-click forecasts, build box plots and see statistical summaries of your data. Run trend analyses, regressions, correlations, and much more. PhD not required.

Metadata management - Make better sense of your available data—quickly and easily. Rename fields and modify number formats. Combine fields into groups. Create subsets of your data by simply selecting groups of points. Use those sets to filter other views. Build new hierarchies. Now it’s easy for you to make your data understandable to everyone.

Best practices built in - You get the benefit of years of research on the best ways to represent data, built right into your workflow. Optimized color schemes, automatic chart types and elegant design. Communicate insight in the most effective way, automatically.

Data engine - When you want to take data offline or bring it in-memory, Tableau’s Data Engine lets you extract data for ad hoc analysis of massive data in seconds. It combines advances in database and computer graphics technology to make even huge datasets possible to analyze on a laptop or mobile device.

VizQL technology - VizQL is a patented technology based on years of research at Stanford University. It translates mouse clicks into database queries and displays the response graphically. Data visualization becomes the process for discovering insights and sharing them with others.

OS: Windows
Lang: Multi
Size: 590 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

Tableau Desktop Professional v10.4.0

Multilingual/Deutsch / incl. Crack (Dll)



Tableau ist 10 bis 100 Mal schneller als andere vorhandene Lösungen. Es ist so konzipiert, dass die Analyse Ihrem Gedankengang folgt und ihn unterstützt. Ziehen Sie Elemente per Drag-and-drop in den Arbeitsbereich. Nutzen Sie Ihre angeborene Fähigkeit, visuelle Muster schnell zu erkennen. Erleben Sie eine schnelle und benutzerfreundliche Analyselösung.

Größe: 625,00 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Microsoft Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (32 oder 64-Bit)
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, RapidGator



Tableau Desktop Professional v10.4.2

Multilingual/Deutsch / inkl. Crack



Tableau ist 10 bis 100 Mal schneller als andere vorhandene Lösungen. Es ist so konzipiert, dass die Analyse Ihrem Gedankengang folgt und ihn unterstützt. Ziehen Sie Elemente per Drag-and-drop in den Arbeitsbereich. Nutzen Sie Ihre angeborene Fähigkeit, visuelle Muster schnell zu erkennen. Erleben Sie eine schnelle und benutzerfreundliche Analyselösung.

Größe: 628 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Microsoft Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (32 oder 64-Bit)
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, RapidGator, FileFactory



Tableau Desktop Pro 10.4.2 (x86/x64)

Tableau Desktop Pro is a business intelligence tool that allows you to easily visualise, analyse and share large amounts of data.

Visual analysis in a click - Powerful analytical tools—at your fingertips. Filter data dynamically, split trends across different categories or run an in-depth cohort analysis. Double-click geographic fields to put data on a map. All without writing a single line of code.

Deep statistics - Go deeper into your data with new calculations on existing data. Make one-click forecasts, build box plots and see statistical summaries of your data. Run trend analyses, regressions, correlations, and much more. PhD not required.

Metadata management - Make better sense of your available data—quickly and easily. Rename fields and modify number formats. Combine fields into groups. Create subsets of your data by simply selecting groups of points. Use those sets to filter other views. Build new hierarchies. Now it’s easy for you to make your data understandable to everyone.

Best practices built in - You get the benefit of years of research on the best ways to represent data, built right into your workflow. Optimized color schemes, automatic chart types and elegant design. Communicate insight in the most effective way, automatically.

Data engine - When you want to take data offline or bring it in-memory, Tableau’s Data Engine lets you extract data for ad hoc analysis of massive data in seconds. It combines advances in database and computer graphics technology to make even huge datasets possible to analyze on a laptop or mobile device.

VizQL technology - VizQL is a patented technology based on years of research at Stanford University. It translates mouse clicks into database queries and displays the response graphically. Data visualization becomes the process for discovering insights and sharing them with others.

OS: Windows
Lang: Multi
Size: 627 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse


Tableau Desktop Professional v10.4.0


Size: 625MB
Format: EXE
Sprache: GER/Multi
System: Win XP/7/8.1/10
Medizin: Key/Patch


Tableau ist 10 bis 100 Mal schneller als andere vorhandene Lösungen. Es ist so konzipiert, dass die Analyse Ihrem Gedankengang folgt und ihn unterstützt. Ziehen Sie Elemente per Drag-and-drop in den Arbeitsbereich. Nutzen Sie Ihre angeborene Fähigkeit, visuelle Muster schnell zu erkennen. Erleben Sie eine schnelle und benutzerfreundliche Analyselösung.





Tableau Desktop Professional Edition v10.5.2 (x64)

Multilingual/Deutsch / inkl. Crack (Dll) / 64-Bit



Tableau ist 10 bis 100 Mal schneller als andere vorhandene Lösungen. Es ist so konzipiert, dass die Analyse Ihrem Gedankengang folgt und ihn unterstützt. Ziehen Sie Elemente per Drag-and-drop in den Arbeitsbereich. Nutzen Sie Ihre angeborene Fähigkeit, visuelle Muster schnell zu erkennen. Erleben Sie eine schnelle und benutzerfreundliche Analyselösung.

Größe: 366 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Microsoft Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (64-Bit)
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, FileFactory



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