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Beran Parry - 101 Smart Ways to Banish Your Belly Fat


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Beran Parry - 101 Smart Ways to Banish Your Belly Fat

Format: EPUB | Language: English | Size: 940 KB

Look slimmer, trimmer, fitter and years younger

Losing weight, burning off all that stubborn old belly fat and discovering the most effective way to trim your waistline just got a whole lot easier and a lot more focused. If you're one of the many millions who've tried every diet and food fad and fashion - and still been left disappointed - now is the time for you to discover your body's amazing hidden secrets that will help you banish the fat forever. Now is the perfect time to harness the life-changing power of 101 Smart Ways to Banish Your Belly Fat.

It's vital to recognize right now that most of our weight loss problems are connected to how and why we eat. That means our weight issues are largely determined by our eating habits, by our eating behaviours and the daily pattern of food choices that so often lead us astray. And this is an incredibly important point because as soon as we begin to understand why we eat the way we do and what's prompting our choices, we can make changes that will revolutionize our relationship to food and set us on the pathway to permanent weight loss, dramatically improved health and a newer, slimmer, fitter and happier you!

Eating smart and avoiding all the old pitfalls that trap the unwary and the unprepared provides the perfect catalyst for positive change in your life. The process begins with a deeper understanding of why we eat the way we do, what triggers our desire to reach for comfort food, which emotional situations send us diving for the cookie jar and how we can master all of these unhealthy stress responses. And the results can be astonishing. The fundamental principles will help you to lay strong foundations that support a much healthier lifestyle and a slimmer, trimmer and healthier body. You notice that the choices get easier. You feel that you are finally in control of your life and of your weight.
Amongst a wealth of practical help and clear advice that has been designed specifically to assist you in being free from that stubborn old belly fat, you can learn how to

Assess your own personal reactions to your daily stresses and tensions and identify where all your unhealthy behaviours came from - and then neutralise them forever
Spot the situations that are most likely to trigger the stress response and keep a daily record to chart your progress and enhance your awareness
Turn down the tension to gain better control of your need for comfort foods and banish the killer foods that are poisoning your body and forcing you to store fat
Fuel your body with the finest nutrition to kick-start your high-intensity fat-burning metabolism and purge your system of harmful toxins and experience a whole new level of wellbeing
Turn up your energy levels and sleep the way your body really wants you to sleep

??? Make these life-changing habits your own forever

This powerful combination of super-smart nutrition and cutting edge behavioural transformation has been designed to guide you through the amazing process of regaining control of your body, your health and your life. It's an intensely effective pathway to cut your waist size and burn off the belly fat but it's so much more as well. It's a turning point in your life when you can free yourself from the unwanted belly fat and free yourself from the habits that produced the problem in the first place.



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