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    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

    - Keylogger, Spionagetools, alles rund ums Thema Hacking/Cracking ist nicht erwünscht.
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Drastic MediaReactor WorkStation v5


Warez Upper
Drastic MediaReactor WorkStation v5.0.461 (x64)
Englisch / Installieren & Fertig


MediaReactor Workstation is a direct plug-in version of Drastic’s MediaReactor file translation system. Rather than having to use a separate translation step, the artist can work with incoming footage directly in their preferred creative software. Contemporary production work flows are able to access an ever-increasing choice of acquisition, production, mezzanine and output devices and formats. Unfortunately, the proprietary nature of these media tools often leads to time consuming and potentially lossy translations of content, simply to allow other creative tools to access them. MediaReactor Workstation was designed to alleviate this problem. MediaReactor Workstation provides access to the widest range of file formats of any single plug-in package. It specializes in high quality conversion on the fly, on everything from ancient OMF JPEG to the latest camera acquisition formats from Weisscam, Phantom and Arri. Coupled with its incredible range of file and codec support, MediaReactor Workstation provides a group of plug-ins that make the content directly compatible with most major editing and creative software on Mac and Windows systems.

MediaReactor Workstation provides support for the three major operating systems that have well defined plug-in systems (for Linux, please contract Drastic for available options). The primary plug-in interfaces on Mac OS-X, Windows 32 bit, Windows 64 and Linux x64 are:
Assimilate Scratch and Scratch Lab SPA plug-in
Digital Vision NuCoda
Autodesk Flame, Flare and Lustre 2016
Avid Media Composer/Symphony/NewsCutter 6, 7 & 8 64 bit AMA access plug-in
Avid Media Composer/Symphony/NewsCutter 5.5 32 bit AMA access plug-in
Adobe file import and export plug-ins CS5.5/6.x and Creative Cloud 2014 64 bit
Adobe file import and export plug-ins CS4/5 32 bit
Final Cut Pro 7 real time access and rendered file export
The Final Cut Pro 7 plug-in is OS-X specific, but Avid and Adobe are available on both platforms allowing seamless access to content with platform independence. Support of older editing products in MediaReactor Workstation allows access to the latest file formats without having to upgrade your editing software. Drastic is dedicated to supporting as many file formats as possible on all three major operating systems and supporting all major production tools that provide a plug-in interface.

Größe: 74,00 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows 64 Bits
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, Oboom
Passwort: Keins



Drastic MediaReactor WorkStation 5.0.461


MediaReactor Workstation is a direct plug-in version of Drastic’s MediaReactor file translation system. Rather than having to use a separate translation step, the artist can work with incoming footage directly in their preferred creative software. Contemporary production work flows are able to access an ever-increasing choice of acquisition, production, mezzanine and output devices and formats. Unfortunately, the proprietary nature of these media tools often leads to time consuming and potentially lossy translations of content, simply to allow other creative tools to access them. MediaReactor Workstation was designed to alleviate this problem. MediaReactor Workstation provides access to the widest range of file formats of any single plug-in package. It specializes in high quality conversion on the fly, on everything from ancient OMF JPEG to the latest camera acquisition formats from Weisscam, Phantom and Arri. Coupled with its incredible range of file and codec support, MediaReactor Workstation provides a group of plug-ins that make the content directly compatible with most major editing and creative software on Mac and Windows systems.

MediaReactor Workstation provides support for the three major operating systems that have well defined plug-in systems (for Linux, please contract Drastic for available options). The primary plug-in interfaces on Mac OS-X, Windows 32 bit, Windows 64 and Linux x64 are:
Assimilate Scratch and Scratch Lab SPA plug-in
Digital Vision NuCoda
Autodesk Flame, Flare and Lustre 2016
Avid Media Composer/Symphony/NewsCutter 6, 7 & 8 64 bit AMA access plug-in
Avid Media Composer/Symphony/NewsCutter 5.5 32 bit AMA access plug-in
Adobe file import and export plug-ins CS5.5/6.x and Creative Cloud 2014 64 bit
Adobe file import and export plug-ins CS4/5 32 bit
Final Cut Pro 7 real time access and rendered file export
The Final Cut Pro 7 plug-in is OS-X specific, but Avid and Adobe are available on both platforms allowing seamless access to content with platform independence. Support of older editing products in MediaReactor Workstation allows access to the latest file formats without having to upgrade your editing software. Drastic is dedicated to supporting as many file formats as possible on all three major operating systems and supporting all major production tools that provide a plug-in interface.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 73,89 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

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