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    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

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Speedy Soft Digistudio v9


Warez Upper
Speedy Soft Digistudio v9.7.1.189
Englisch/Deutsch / Serial


Digistudio: Zum Entwerfen von Bildshows mit Vektoranimationen und Videos; mit konfigurierbaren Animationen für Titel, Zwischentitel und Textspots sowie freien Animationen mit Adobe Flash

Sie können Fotos, Videos, Text in Bildern, Animationen (SWF), Hintergrund-Sound u.s.w einfügen.

Größe: 6,00 MB
Sprache: Englisch/Deutsch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows 32 + 64 Bits
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, Oboom


Speedy Soft Digistudio Deutsch


Your digital camera can probably generate also small videos. An animalscene, a waterfall, an arrival of railway train, a musical scene can bringnot only life in the static slide show, but also the original sound. Evenvideos on DVD can be played under certain conditions before the staticpicture background. An especially high image quality deliver the already mentioned vector animations. They adapt themselves to the screen resolution and can produce in the full screen every conceivable scene excellently. In addition here one more example. With these possibilities rises DIGISTUDIO well over the usual conventional and digital slide show.

Every slide show can show pictures. To show text looks clearly different. But only with text the slide show also in case of the consideration by third becomes usable. If you want to give away a CD of your holiday impressions, text is inalienable, e.g., in the form of subtitles. But also the wish for show titles and intertitles with different graphic design is legitimate. Or how one gets, for example, a legend, a poem or quite simply a chapter from the travel diary in the slid show. DIGISTUDIO offers unique and elegant solutions. But DIGISTUDIO offers even more on the subject text.

OS: Windows
Lang: Deutsch
Size: 6,02 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded

Speedy Soft Digistudio Deutsch


Your digital camera can probably generate also small videos. An animalscene, a waterfall, an arrival of railway train, a musical scene can bringnot only life in the static slide show, but also the original sound. Evenvideos on DVD can be played under certain conditions before the staticpicture background. An especially high image quality deliver the already mentioned vector animations. They adapt themselves to the screen resolution and can produce in the full screen every conceivable scene excellently. In addition here one more example. With these possibilities rises DIGISTUDIO well over the usual conventional and digital slide show.

Every slide show can show pictures. To show text looks clearly different. But only with text the slide show also in case of the consideration by third becomes usable. If you want to give away a CD of your holiday impressions, text is inalienable, e.g., in the form of subtitles. But also the wish for show titles and intertitles with different graphic design is legitimate. Or how one gets, for example, a legend, a poem or quite simply a chapter from the travel diary in the slid show. DIGISTUDIO offers unique and elegant solutions. But DIGISTUDIO offers even more on the subject text.

OS: Windows
Lang: Deutsch
Size: 6,02 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded

Speedy Soft Digistudio v9.7.9.201

Deutsch/Englisch / Serial



Digistudio: Zum Entwerfen von Bildshows mit Vektoranimationen und Videos; mit konfigurierbaren Animationen für Titel, Zwischentitel und Textspots sowie freien Animationen mit Adobe Flash

Sie können Fotos, Videos, Text in Bildern, Animationen (SWF), Hintergrund-Sound u.s.w einfügen.

Größe: 6,04 MB
Sprache: Deutsch/Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows 32 + 64 Bits
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online



Speedy Soft Digistudio Deutsch


Your digital camera can probably generate also small videos. An animalscene, a waterfall, an arrival of railway train, a musical scene can bringnot only life in the static slide show, but also the original sound. Evenvideos on DVD can be played under certain conditions before the staticpicture background. An especially high image quality deliver the already mentioned vector animations. They adapt themselves to the screen resolution and can produce in the full screen every conceivable scene excellently. In addition here one more example. With these possibilities rises DIGISTUDIO well over the usual conventional and digital slide show.

Every slide show can show pictures. To show text looks clearly different. But only with text the slide show also in case of the consideration by third becomes usable. If you want to give away a CD of your holiday impressions, text is inalienable, e.g., in the form of subtitles. But also the wish for show titles and intertitles with different graphic design is legitimate. Or how one gets, for example, a legend, a poem or quite simply a chapter from the travel diary in the slid show. DIGISTUDIO offers unique and elegant solutions. But DIGISTUDIO offers even more on the subject text.

OS: Windows
Lang: Deutsch
Size: 6,02 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded

Speedy Soft Digistudio v9.8.1.201

Englisch/Deutsch / incl. Serial



Digistudio: Zum Entwerfen von Bildshows mit Vektoranimationen und Videos; mit konfigurierbaren Animationen für Titel, Zwischentitel und Textspots sowie freien Animationen mit Adobe Flash

Sie können Fotos, Videos, Text in Bildern, Animationen (SWF), Hintergrund-Sound u.s.w einfügen.

Größe: 6,00 MB
Sprache: Englisch/Deutsch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Microsoft Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (32 oder 64-Bit)
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, RapidGator, FileFactory



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