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    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

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iStat Menus v5

iStat Menus 5.20 Build 696 Multilingual
Sierra compatible!


iStat Menus lets you monitor your system right from the menubar. Included are 8 menu extras that let you monitor every aspect of your system. Some features:
CPU - Monitor cpu usage. 7 display modes, multiple core support.
Memory - Monitor memory usage. 4 display modes, page ins/outs and swap usage display.
Disks - Monitor disk usage and activity. 6 display modes, ability to hide disks you dont want to see.
Network - Monitor current and total bandwidth, peak bandwidth, ip addresses, and the ability to hide network connections you don't want to see.
Temps - Monitor the temperature of your mac. 2 display modes, ability to hide sensors you dont want to see.
Fans - Monitor the fan speeds in your mac. 2 display modes, ability to hide sensors you dont want to see.
Bluetooth - Control bluetooth status plus monitor the battery level of your Apple wireless keyboard or mouse.
Date & Time - Date + time in your menubar. World clock display lets you see the time in multiple locations around the world.

Lang: Multi
Size: 28,26 MB
Format: .app
Hoster: Uploaded

iStat Menus 5.30 Multilingual
Sierra compatible!


iStat Menus lets you monitor your system right from the menubar. Included are 8 menu extras that let you monitor every aspect of your system. Some features:
CPU - Monitor cpu usage. 7 display modes, multiple core support.
Memory - Monitor memory usage. 4 display modes, page ins/outs and swap usage display.
Disks - Monitor disk usage and activity. 6 display modes, ability to hide disks you dont want to see.
Network - Monitor current and total bandwidth, peak bandwidth, ip addresses, and the ability to hide network connections you don't want to see.
Temps - Monitor the temperature of your mac. 2 display modes, ability to hide sensors you dont want to see.
Fans - Monitor the fan speeds in your mac. 2 display modes, ability to hide sensors you dont want to see.
Bluetooth - Control bluetooth status plus monitor the battery level of your Apple wireless keyboard or mouse.
Date & Time - Date + time in your menubar. World clock display lets you see the time in multiple locations around the world.

Lang: Multi
Size: 29,36 MB
Format: .app
Hoster: Uploaded

iStat Menus 5.30 Build 704 Multilingual
Sierra compatible!


iStat Menus lets you monitor your system right from the menubar. Included are 8 menu extras that let you monitor every aspect of your system. Some features:
CPU - Monitor cpu usage. 7 display modes, multiple core support.
Memory - Monitor memory usage. 4 display modes, page ins/outs and swap usage display.
Disks - Monitor disk usage and activity. 6 display modes, ability to hide disks you dont want to see.
Network - Monitor current and total bandwidth, peak bandwidth, ip addresses, and the ability to hide network connections you don't want to see.
Temps - Monitor the temperature of your mac. 2 display modes, ability to hide sensors you dont want to see.
Fans - Monitor the fan speeds in your mac. 2 display modes, ability to hide sensors you dont want to see.
Bluetooth - Control bluetooth status plus monitor the battery level of your Apple wireless keyboard or mouse.
Date & Time - Date + time in your menubar. World clock display lets you see the time in multiple locations around the world.

Lang: Multi
Size: 27,32 MB
Format: .app
Hoster: Uploaded

iStat Menus 5.31 Build 705 Multilingual
Sierra compatible!


iStat Menus lets you monitor your system right from the menubar. Included are 8 menu extras that let you monitor every aspect of your system. Some features:
CPU - Monitor cpu usage. 7 display modes, multiple core support.
Memory - Monitor memory usage. 4 display modes, page ins/outs and swap usage display.
Disks - Monitor disk usage and activity. 6 display modes, ability to hide disks you dont want to see.
Network - Monitor current and total bandwidth, peak bandwidth, ip addresses, and the ability to hide network connections you don't want to see.
Temps - Monitor the temperature of your mac. 2 display modes, ability to hide sensors you dont want to see.
Fans - Monitor the fan speeds in your mac. 2 display modes, ability to hide sensors you dont want to see.
Bluetooth - Control bluetooth status plus monitor the battery level of your Apple wireless keyboard or mouse.
Date & Time - Date + time in your menubar. World clock display lets you see the time in multiple locations around the world.

Lang: Multi
Size: 29,42 MB
Format: .app
Hoster: Uploaded


iStat Menus 5.32 (740) MacOSX Multi inkl. Serial

Mit dem Tool "iStat Menus" haben Sie die aktuellen Hardware-Werte Ihres Apple-Rechners stets vor Augen. Das Programm bettet sich in die Menü-Leiste ein.

Neben Prozessor-Auslastung und Speicherplatz-Belegung können Sie sich Temperatur, Lüfterdrehzahl, Netzwerk-Aktivität und einen aufgebohrten Kalender anzeigen lassen.

Letzte Änderungen
Das Update auf Version 5 bringt umfangreiche Neuerungen - darunter ein komplett neues Design. Außerdem gibt es spezielle Anpassungen für El Capitan, "iStat Menus" zeigt jetzt etwa die Apps mit dem höchsten Akkuverbrauch an.

Deutliche Verbesserungen gibt es darüber hinaus im Zeit-Menü und bei den Per-App-Statistiken. Eine Übersicht aller Änderungen finden Sie im .

OSX: 10.8 oder höher
Sprache: Multi
Größe: 64,6 MB
Dateien: 1
Hoster: Share-Online
Passwort: Keines



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