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iYoga - Premium - iPhone Edition


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
iYoga - Premium - iPhone Edition

Kategorie: Gesundheit und Fitness
Aktualisiert: 20.09.2014
Version: 3.8
Größe: 457 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Entwickler: 3D4Medical.com
© 2013 3D4Medical.com LLC
Kompatibilität: Erfordert iOS 7.0 oder neuer. Kompatibel mit iPhone, iPad Wi-Fi (3. Generation), iPad Wi-Fi + Cellular (3. Generation), iPad Wi-Fi (vierte Generation), iPad Wi-Fi + Cellular (vierte Generation), iPad mini Wi-Fi, iPad mini Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad Air, iPad Air Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad mini 2, iPad mini 2 Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad Air 2, iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad mini 3, iPad mini 3 Wi-Fi + Cellular und iPod touch. Diese App ist für iPhone 5 optimiert.



This app will not run on 3GS iPhones.

This app is for users that are looking for the very best content available in a yoga app. It uses advanced technology to show the muscles used and allows seamless playback which is simple to use.

It contains hundreds of videos (poses, muscles used and connecting poses) that have been designed so that the user can simply drag poses into timeline - and then play them back as a seamless movie (routine).

iYoga’s amazing motion capture technology captures the delicate movements, correct posture and positioning for over 190 different poses (Over 80 poses included within this app and a further 110 advanced poses available as an in-app purchase). Our unique female model allows you to see muscles in action as each pose is demonstrated. The app also features a distinctive view which highlights muscles relevant to each pose as they contract and expand.

Practice each pose on its own, choose a preset program or personalize your own, all with seamless transitions between each pose. Developed with all levels of users in mind, this app will empower you to attain the best results from every practice session and improve your confidence and technique.

100% Natural Movement
•Motion capture animation shows intricate movements, correct posture and positioning for each pose.
•Unique female model allows you to see muscles in action.
•Voice instruction walks you through details of each pose.
•Multiple views (front and side) to see exactly how each pose is performed.

Create Seamless Routines
•Choose from over 190 different poses (Over 80 poses included within this app and a further 110 advanced poses available as an in-app purchase)
•Select from preset programs or create your own customized program.
•Easily adjust hold times for each pose according to your level.
•Seamless transitions between poses for uninterrupted, flowing sessions.

View Muscles in Isolation
• Isolated muscle view shows muscles relevant to each pose as they flex and stretch.
• Easily switch between muscle and isolated muscle views.

Project to Apple TV
•Replace static DVDs with your own customized programs.
•Activate Airplay on your iPhone to stream the entire app wirelessly to Apple TV and other AirPlay-enabled devices.

NOTE: It is recommended to use a high speed internet connection and have a strong wireless signal to download the app due to large file size - allow 5+ minutes to download.




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