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DbSchema v8


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
DbSchema 8.2.11 (MacOSX)


DbSchema 8.2.11 (MacOSX) | 146 MB | Language: English

Import an abundance of database types to edit, or create new ones from scratch using a large variety of intuitive tools with the help of this powerful application. The backbone of nearly every website or business that needs to keep track of large quantities of data and quickly respond to a request, there lies a solid database. There is an abundance of specialized software components that let you add data and create links, with DbSchema trying to make it a little easier.

DbSchema is a diagram-oriented database tool, with integrated tools for SQL and data.

DbSchema stores the schema and diagrams in its own project file, so you can :
Manage and synchronize schema over multiple databasesDevelop schema in a teamDocument the schema
DbSchema can work with all relational databases, including SqlServer, Sybase, Oracle, MySql, Ingres, Informix, Db2, Derby, Firebird, Frontbase, Cache, Pervasive, PostgreSQL, Sqlite and others.

Highly-intuitive and appealing design
In terms of visuals, the application sports a clean look, with an intuitive overall design and well-structured tabs that let you quickly access project items, as well as an interesting perspective panel which lets you navigate through the workspace as you would on a mini map.

Support for various database types
At a first launch, you can choose whether to start a new project from scratch, import already existing files or even connect to your local database via your network. Somewhere along the way you notice the breathtaking amount and diversity of database types it supports, with entries like MySQL, Access, Firebird, Oracle, Teradata and a lot more.

Easy to use creation tools
With the help of context menu entries, effort required on your behalf mostly concentrates at gathering data to import, because all creation options are as easy as can get. With a few mouse clicks and several dedicated windows, you are able to create tables, views, callouts, groups of tables or even bring up several editors for SQL, relational data, query builder, or random data generator.

Creation windows that are brought up might feel a little overwhelming, but are equipped with incredibly helpful tooltips that make even the least experienced users try their luck and succeed. Tab support let you easily access editing options for columns, keys, and signatures.

Multiple export option
The visually appealing display of elements on your workspace lets you easily identify elements, group tables and link them together more efficiently. Once all data is inserted, you might want to save and export your work in order to upload it to your server. This is done if connected to a provided address, with export options enabling you to get ahold of databases compatible with most popular formats, as well as basic image files for the schema.

On an ending note, DbSchema manages to live up to expectations and is a powerful alternative in case you consider trying something new, or even starting from scratch. Since it's based on Java it can run on a wide variety of configurations and machines. Practicability is one of the main advantages, the application providing support and compatibility for various database types, with the intuitive design getting you quickly up and running.

Supported Databases:
Apache Drill, Azure, Aurora MySql, Aurora PostgreSQL, Access, Cache, Cassandra, Cockroach, CTreeAce, DaffodilDb, Db2, Derby, Exasol, Firebird, Filemaker, xBase and FoxPro, FrontBase, H2, HBase, Hive, HSql, Informix, Ingres, Interbase, JDataStore, MariaDb, MongoDb, MySql, MemSQL, Mimer, MSSql, NuoDB, Oracle, OrientDb, Pervasive, PointBase, PostgreSQL, Redshift, Salesforce, SapMaxDb, Snowflake, SnappyData, SqlBase, SQL Anywhere, Vertica, Teradata, Transbase.

Version 8.2.11
Project / Settings / Export Schema Script - add option for pre and post scripts to be attached to exported schema scriptFeature: Support reading comments by reverse engineer from SQL filesFeature: Integrate NuoDbFeature: SQL result pane status and error combo use Monospaced fontFeature: Option to compare two schemasFeature: Improve dark themeFeature: Redshift reverse engineer diststyleFeature: Improve PDF documentationFeature: Customizable UI Scaling added in Project / Appearance.


DbSchema v8.2.12 (MacOSX)


DbSchema v8.2.12 (MacOSX) | 147 MB | Language: English

Import an abundance of database types to edit, or create new ones from scratch using a large variety of intuitive tools with the help of this powerful application. The backbone of nearly every website or business that needs to keep track of large quantities of data and quickly respond to a request, there lies a solid database. There is an abundance of specialized software components that let you add data and create links, with DbSchema trying to make it a little easier.

DbSchema is a diagram-oriented database tool, with integrated tools for SQL and data. DbSchema stores the schema and diagrams in its own project file, so you can :
Manage and synchronize schema over multiple databasesDevelop schema in a teamDocument the schema.

DbSchema can work with all relational databases, including SqlServer, Sybase, Oracle, MySql, Ingres, Informix, Db2, Derby, Firebird, Frontbase, Cache, Pervasive, PostgreSQL, Sqlite and others.

Highly-intuitive and appealing design
In terms of visuals, the application sports a clean look, with an intuitive overall design and well-structured tabs that let you quickly access project items, as well as an interesting perspective panel which lets you navigate through the workspace as you would on a mini map.

Support for various database types
At a first launch, you can choose whether to start a new project from scratch, import already existing files or even connect to your local database via your network. Somewhere along the way you notice the breathtaking amount and diversity of database types it supports, with entries like MySQL, Access, Firebird, Oracle, Teradata and a lot more.

Easy to use creation tools
With the help of context menu entries, effort required on your behalf mostly concentrates at gathering data to import, because all creation options are as easy as can get. With a few mouse clicks and several dedicated windows, you are able to create tables, views, callouts, groups of tables or even bring up several editors for SQL, relational data, query builder, or random data generator.

Creation windows that are brought up might feel a little overwhelming, but are equipped with incredibly helpful tooltips that make even the least experienced users try their luck and succeed. Tab support let you easily access editing options for columns, keys, and signatures.

Multiple export option
The visually appealing display of elements on your workspace lets you easily identify elements, group tables and link them together more efficiently. Once all data is inserted, you might want to save and export your work in order to upload it to your server. This is done if connected to a provided address, with export options enabling you to get ahold of databases compatible with most popular formats, as well as basic image files for the schema.

On an ending note, DbSchema manages to live up to expectations and is a powerful alternative in case you consider trying something new, or even starting from scratch. Since it's based on Java it can run on a wide variety of configurations and machines. Practicability is one of the main advantages, the application providing support and compatibility for various database types, with the intuitive design getting you quickly up and running.

Supported Databases
Apache Drill, Azure, Aurora MySql, Aurora PostgreSQL, Access, Cache, Cassandra, Cockroach, CTreeAce, DaffodilDb, Db2, Derby, Exasol, Firebird, Filemaker, xBase and FoxPro, FrontBase, H2, HBase, Hive, HSql, Informix, Ingres, Interbase, JDataStore, MariaDb, MongoDb, MySql, MemSQL, Mimer, MSSql, NuoDB, Oracle, OrientDb, Pervasive, PointBase, PostgreSQL, Redshift, Salesforce, SapMaxDb, Snowflake, SnappyData, SqlBase, SQL Anywhere, Vertica, Teradata, Transbase.

Version 8.2.12
Improve MongoDb support for ISODate()Feature: Improve reverse engineer selection dialogFeature: Improve virtual foreign keys dialogBug: Fix flickering tooltip on icons.







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