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SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro v10


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro (x64) (Portable)


SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro (x64) (Portable) | 396 MB

SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro 10 is equipped with a new function for compositing multiple RAWs which enables the user a previously unprecedented level of creative photographic expression. The latest transformative enhancement to the software's capabilites is the "Fine detail" mode which enables the optimal noise reduction. In addition, the "Select" section enables high-speed display of a large number of high-resolution images. Professional edition of RAW development software with improved flexibility and ease of use.

Equipped with 6 RAWs composition modes.
The new SILKYPIX® is equipped with the new function for compositing multiple RAWs which allows you to create a view of the world that cannot be represented from a single image. And, since this function automatically aligns images according to our image coincidence detection technology (patent No. 4689758), it is possible to combine them without any shift even with hand-held shooting.

Lighten composite
Compares the selected images while giving priority to the lighter areas of each image.By compositing multiple images from an entire night of fireworks, you can layer these together to create a single image featuring an even larger launch of fireworks.

Multiple exposure composite
The image to be composed is treated equally and the result is the same as for a multiple exposure with a camera.Combine multiple images shot together during the same scene to create highly detailed and realistic images much more effectively than with normal noise reduction.

Image quality improves with multiple images combined. For example, combine 4 images is equivalent to ISO speed 3200, and combining 16 images is equivalent to ISO speed 800.

Multiple exposure (night view) composite
Noise reduction and saturation for nightscapes, and black-level compositing are performed.This mode allows you to create a long-exposure, beautiful night scenes from multiple images taken hand-held shooting.

Depth of field composite
By compositing images with different focus positions from the front to the back, you can create an image with a wide range of focus. This mode allows you to focus on photos taken with a macro lens with shallow depth of field.

Moving object removal composite
Removes moving subjects from multiple images of the same shooting scene and combines them into a single image.By this composition mode, you can create an unnormal surreal image.

In this mode, only the static subject from multiple images is left as a single image. For good composite results, the background must be robust and stationary, and the motion of the moving object must be obvious.

Stroboscopic motion composite
Composites moving subjects from multiple images in the same scene.With this mode, you can capture moving subjects continuously to create a single image.

In this mode, only the moving subject from multiple images is left as single image. For good composite results, the background must be robust and stationary, and the motion of the moving object must be obvious.

Home Page -



SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro v10.0.12.0 (x64) (Portable)


SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro v10.0.12.0 (x64) (Portable) | 349 MB | Language: English

SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro 10 adds new functions that were highly desired in addition to the rich features of SILKYPIX so far. Main new functions are "Dehaze function", "individual adjustment of Highlight / Shadow", "lens profile function" and so on. Extending and improving existing functions further improved operability and convenience. This product is RAW development software for professional.

SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro 10 adds new functions that were highly desired in addition to the rich features of SILKYPIX so far.

New function / Improvement list:
- Tone- Dehaze Slider
- Exposure bias-Highlight / Shadow slider
- Lens aberration correction - Distortion correction function by lens profile
- Lens aberration correction - Distortion correction function
using simultaneous recording JPEG
- Effect - Blurred / Sharp periphery
- Partial correction tool - Curve / Polygon area selection / Select color
to be corrected
- Automatic adjustment button
- Noise Reduction - Level of shadow noise reduction
- Search in the thumbnail
- Independent arrangement of initialization button
- Add user mark color
- Open in another application
- Control Palette
- Customize toolbar
- Show / hide information box

System Requirements:
OS:Microsoft® Windows® 10 / 8.1 / 7 (Service Pack 1 or later) 64-bit version
* It does not correspond to the Windows® 10 tablet mode.
* It does not correspond to 32-bit version OS.
CPU:Intel® Core™ 2 Duo or higher, or AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 or higher processor
RAM:4GB or more RAM (8GB or higher recommended)
Space:10GB of available hard-disk space or more
Display: that supports screen resolution of 1024x768 or higher.


Größe: 349 MB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Plattform: Windows (64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)





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