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Autodesk Maya (LT) 2020


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Autodesk Maya (LT) 2020.1 x64 Multilingual


Autodesk Maya (LT) 2020.1 x64 Multilingual | 3.1 GB

Autodesk is pleased to announce the availability of Maya (LT) 2020.1. This release provides new tools and updates to help animators, modelers, riggers, and technical artists be more efficient and productive so they can spend more time on the creative.

What's New in Maya 2020.1 Update

Rokoko + Maya
We've partnered with Rokoko to bring you an industry-leading motion capture library right inside of Maya. With the Rokoko plug-in, you can simply drag and drop mocap assets into your scenes from the comfort of your own home, without the need for a multi-million dollar studio or equipment setup. For the first time, you can leverage assets built for big productions like Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Doctor Strange, Assassin's Creed, and Horizon Zero Dawn in your own projects, for just $3-$6 a piece.
Rokoko + Autodesk: Motion Library is coming to Maya.

Bifrost Extension for Maya
Maya 2020.1 includes Bifrost Extension for Maya version Some of the highlights since Bifrost (released with Maya 2020) include:

- Faster compilation, giving better graph interactivity.
- Faster aero simulations, and other aero improvements.
- Improvements to vary_source_property, constrain_mpm, and other nodes.
- Better graph readability and zooming.

High resolution textures now supported for 3D Paint
When painting on a 3D object, you can now save textures at a size of up to 16k. Textures larger than 4096 x 4096 may yield slower performance. See Paint on a 3d object for more information.

Time Slider Bookmark Improvements
Based on your feedback, tooltips have been added to options in the Time Slider Manager and several new functionalities have been added to the Time Slider Bookmarks:

Interactive Move and Scale
You can now Ctrl + drag a bookmark to move it left and right on the Time Slider. To scale a bookmark, Ctrl + drag the left or right edge of the bookmark.

Both these interactions respect the Current time indicator Snap to whole frames preference in the Time Slider preferences, so you can turn this option off if you want to scale and move bookmarks at decimal values.

Step through bookmarks
There are now two new commands to step bookmarks forward and backward, so you can set the current time to the start of the next or previous bookmark. To step through your bookmarks, press ' (apostrophe) to move the selection forward and ; (semicolon) to step backward.

Bookmark Manager
Now, bookmarks are displayed according to their position in the time sequence, as opposed to by when they were created, allowing for a more intuitive approach to working with the Bookmark Manager.

Obtain the latest Substance plug-in
The Substance plug-in enables you to create and edit shading networks with substance textures in Maya.

What's New in Maya LT 2020.1 Update
See the Release Notes:
link for contains enhancements and fixed issues in this Update.

Autodesk has released Maya (LT) 2020, the latest version of its 3D animation software, extending the cached playback system to support simulations, and updating the Bifrost for Maya multiphysics plugin.

The release also adds Remesh and Retopologize tools, support for a new matrix-driven rigging workflow, a GPU-based Proximity Wrap deformer and a new system of animation bookmarks.

The retopology tools and improvements to animation workflow also feature in Maya LT 2020, the latest version of the cut-down edition of Maya aimed at games artists.
With a focus on empowering artists throughout the production pipeline, Maya 2020 introduces new tools and updates that not only help animators, modelers, riggers, and technical artists work faster and more intuitively, but also make the creative process more fun.

Autodesk helps people imagine, design and create a better world. Everyone-from design professionals, engineers and architects to digital artists, students and hobbyists-uses Autodesk software to unlock their creativity and solve important challenges.

Product: Autodesk Maya
Version: (LT) 2020.1
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Language: multilanguage
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Size: 3.1 Gb

Autodesk Maya (LT) 2020 software is supported on the following 64-bit operating systems and at a minimum, requires a system with the following 64-bit hardware
Operating System
- Microsoft Windows 7 (SP1), Microsoft Windows 10 Anniversary Update (64-bit only) (version 1607 or higher) operating system
- Nvidia Guide for Virtualization with GRID & VMWare
CPU: 64-bit Intel or AMD multi-core processor with SSE4.2 instruction set
Graphics Hardware: Refer to the following pages for a detailed list of recommended systems and graphics cards: Maya Certified Hardware
RAM: 8 GB of RAM (16 GB or more recommended)
Disk Space: 4 GB of free disk space for install
Pointing Device: Three-button mouse




Autodesk Maya LT 2020.4 (x64) || Englisch


Erwecken Sie mit Maya LT Ihr Game-Design zum Leben

Verwenden Sie anspruchsvolle 3D-Modellierungs- und Animationswerkzeuge in der 3D-Spieleentwicklungssoftware Maya LT™ zum Erstellen und Animieren realistisch aussehender Figuren, Requisiten und Umgebungen.

Exportieren von 3D-Objekten aus Maya LT in eine beliebige Engine

Senden Sie Objekte mithilfe benutzerdefinierter Exportwerkzeuge direkt an Unity und Unreal. Oder verwenden Sie den Game Exporter, um Ihre 3D-Inhalte in die Engine Ihrer Wahl zu überführen.

Erstellen hochwertiger Texturen und Materialien in Maya LT

Erstellen Sie mit intuitiven Werkzeugen hochwertige Materialien. Arbeiten Sie mit Allegorithmic Substance-Materialien direkt in der Software.

Autodesk Maya (LT) 2020 software is supported on the following 64-bit operating systems and at a minimum, requires a system with the following 64-bit hardware

Operating System
- Microsoft Windows 7 (SP1), Microsoft Windows 10 Anniversary Update (64-bit only) (version 1607 or higher) operating system
- Nvidia Guide for Virtualization with GRID & VMWare

CPU: 64-bit Intel or AMD multi-core processor with SSE4.2 instruction set
Graphics Hardware: Refer to the following pages for a detailed list of recommended systems and graphics cards: Maya Certified Hardware
RAM: 8 GB of RAM (16 GB or more recommended)
Disk Space: 4 GB of free disk space for install
Pointing Device: Three-button mouse






DOWNLOAD || 882 MB || Format: exe

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Autodesk Maya LT 2020.2 (x64)

Multilingual/Deutsch / inkl. Keygen XForce + Installationsanleitung / 64-Bit



Autodesk hat ein Update für Maya LT 2020 veröffentlicht, die neueste Version seiner reduzierten Ausgabe von Maya für Spielekünstler. Das Update fügt neue Bildhauerfunktionen hinzu, einschließlich Unterstützung für topologische Symmetrie und Vektorverschiebungskartenstempelung, und wiederholt aktuelle Aktualisierungen des UV-Editors, des Grafikeditors und des Zeiteditors.

Diese Version konzentriert sich darauf, dass Sie durch neue Workflows und zahlreiche Leistungsverbesserungen schneller als je zuvor arbeiten können.

Eine Vielzahl von Verbesserungen an Viewport 2.0 verbessern die Leistung, wenn Sie Szenen laden, Objekte auswählen oder dichte Netze verarbeiten.

Darüber hinaus beschleunigt die zwischengespeicherte Wiedergabe Ihre Vorschau von Animationsänderungen, indem nur die Änderungen intelligent neu gezeichnet werden, anstatt die gesamte Szene zu aktualisieren. Dadurch wird die Wiedergabeleistung des Ansichtsfensters erheblich verbessert, sodass Ihre Szenen nicht mehr ständig abgespielt werden müssen.

Diese Version bietet Ihnen auch die bisher leistungsstärksten Tools, mit denen Sie genau verfolgen können, wie Maya die Ressourcen Ihres Computers verwendet. Mit den neuen Funktionen im Evaluation Toolkit und im Profiler können Sie genau bestimmen, wo Ineffizienzen oder Probleme auftreten, die Ihre Szene verlangsamen.

Durch Verbesserungen des Render-Setups können Sie Ihre Render-Ebenen besser organisieren, indem Sie sie im Render-Setup-Editor einfärben und isolieren oder indem Sie steuern, ob standardmäßig Lichter in jeder Ebene enthalten sind. Darüber hinaus stehen weitere Optionen zum Exportieren und Importieren von Rendereinstellungen und AOVs für Szenen zur Verfügung.

Sie können Arnold jetzt auch direkt im Ansichtsfenster rendern, einschließlich aller RenderView-Optionen wie Debug-Schattierung, AOVs und Regions-Rendering.

Es wurden neue Grafikeditor-Filter hinzugefügt, mit denen Sie Animationskurven schneller und einfacher als zuvor verfeinern können.

Dem Inhaltsbrowser wurden zahlreiche Beispiele und Voreinstellungen hinzugefügt, die eine Vielzahl von Bereichen abdecken, von Bewegungserfassung über Bewegungsgrafiken bis hin zu Charakteren. Verwenden Sie sie unverändert oder als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Arbeit.


Größe: 1.12 GB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows (64-Bit)
Hoster: RapidGator.net, Alfafile.net, Ddownload.com



Autodesk Maya LT 2020.3 (x64) Multilanguage | 2.42 GB


Language: Multilanguage/German
Format before unpacking: .rar
Format after unpacking: exe
Platform: Windows x64
Size: 2.42 GB
Hoster: DropAPK, UploadGIG, NitroFlare, RapidGator


Autodesk Maya LT 2020.4 (x64)


Autodesk Maya LT 2020.4 (x64) | 882 MB | Language: English

Autodesk has released an update to Maya LT, the latest version of its cut-down edition of Maya for games artists. The update adds new sculpting features including support for topological symmetry and vector displacement map stamping, and iterates on recent updates to the UV Editor, Graph Editor and Time Editor.

This release focuses on letting you work faster than ever before through new workflows and numerous performance enhancements.

A myriad of improvements to Viewport 2.0 enhance its performance when doing everything from loading scenes to selecting objects, to handling dense meshes.

Additionally, cached playback speeds up your ability to preview animation changes by intelligently redrawing only what's changed rather than updating the entire scene. This greatly improves viewport playback performance, removing the need to constantly playblast your scenes.

This release also gives you the most powerful tools yet for tracking exactly how Maya is using your computer's resources. New features in the Evaluation Toolkit and Profiler allow you to pinpoint exactly where there may be inefficiencies or problems that are slowing down your scene.

Improvements to Render Setup enable you to better organize your render layers by coloring and isolating them in the Render Setup editor, or by controlling whether lights are included in each layer by default. In addition, more options are available for exporting and importing scene Render Settings and AOVs.

You can also now render Arnold right in the viewport, including all its RenderView options such as Debug Shading, AOVs, and region rendering.

New Graph Editor filters have been added to help you refine animation curves quicker and easier than before.
Plenty of examples and presets have been added to the Content Browser covering a variety of areas, from motion capture, to motion graphics, to characters. Use them as-is, or as a jumping-off point for your own work.

System Requirements:
OS:Microsoft® Windows® 7 (SP1), Microsoft Windows 10 Anniversary Update (64-bit only) (version 1607 or higher) operating system
CPU:64-bit Intel® or AMD® multi-core processor with SSE4.2 instruction set
RAM:8 GB of RAM (16 GB or more recommended)

Home Page -

Größe: 882 MB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe / .iso
Plattform: Windows (64 Bit)


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