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InPixio Photo Studio Ultimate v10


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

InPixio Photo Studio Ultimate 10.0.0 Multilingual


InPixio Photo Studio Ultimate 10.0.0 Multilingual | 506 MB

Photo Studio describes exactly what our software is today: a fully-fledged editing program that lets you create your pictures in your way. We're really excited about this new identity and hope you like the new name as much as we do. And rest-assured, the name might be changing but all the things our users love about Photo Clip are here to stay: Photo Studio 10 will still be a user-friendly photo editing software, full of fun content to help you create the perfect photos and photo montages. Read on to find out more about all the new features and improvements in Photo Studio 10.

Photo Clip is now Photo Studio
The first thing to know about version 10 of Photo Clip is that it has a new name: Photo Studio. Why change the name? Because the latest version of the software is so packed full of features that we decided it was time for an upgrade. Our flagship Photo Clip software has evolved a lot over the years, from a program for making background cutouts to a multi-functional suite of applications, covering a range of editing needs from erasing to enhancing.

Cutout and background erasing is now just one aspect of the program. Recent versions of the software also include:
- Advanced photomontage possibilities, such as adding new images, backgrounds, text and stickers to a photo.
- Erase tools, which remove distracting items from your photos, while preserving the original background.
- Tools for correcting and enhancing your photos. For example, the auto-correction function, which adds color and brightness to photos with just a single click.

New in Photo Studio 10:
As with every new release, we have updated Photo Studio to provide even more editing possibilities. This time, we have also put a big focus on improving performance and usability so that you can edit better and faster than ever. Here is a selection of the top new features to look forward to in Photo Studio 10.

Perspective tool
The perspective tool is a smart new feature that is useful for correcting photos of buildings and architecture.
You have probably had that experience where you want to photograph a beautiful building but you can't get far enough way to get it in shot, so instead you have to shoot "upwards" or from an angle. This leads to something called perspective distortion in your image, where the lines of your building don't appear straight. For example, if you photograph a tall building, such as a cathedral, from below, the result may look tilted as if the structure is leaning away from you.

The Perspective tool helps you to remove this distortion and correct any tilted or skewed appearance in your photos. If this sounds complicated, don't worry: the tool is very easy to use with three automatic settings, for horizontal, vertical and full correction. After the auto correct has done its work, you can use simple sliders to make the final adjustments yourself. Finally, if you want to have full control over the process there is also a manual mode where you can apply guides to your photo to make a precise correction. In short, you can say goodbye to (unwanted) slanting in your architecture photos, thanks to this new tool.

inPixio Photo Transfer
To coincide with the launch of Photo Studio, we are releasing a complimentary new app that you can download from the App Store or Google Play. With the inPixio Photo Transfer app, you can copy photos easily from your smartphone to your PC or Mac using Wi-Fi.

The app was designed as a helpful tool to facilitate photo editing with PC and Mac-based inPixio software. With a few clicks and a Wi-Fi connection, you can transfer your entire photo library to your laptop and download images ready for editing in Photo Studio. There is no need for a cable, cloud service, or software and your photos remain safe with no external storage. The app is also a useful way to back up your photos to your computer and save space on your cell phone.

EXIF data and Histogram
EXIF metadata is a set of information attached to a photo and stored automatically in your camera or smartphone. This can include date, location and more. When you upload a photo to Photo Studio, you can now view and edit all of this information. For example, you can add tags and ratings or even copyright information to a photo. This is useful for organizing your photos to help you quickly find what you're looking for. It's also especially useful if you upload your photos to online platforms such as Flickr.

Another new source of information in Photo Studio 10 is the Histogram. This measures exposure levels in your photo so you can get a better idea of the light and dark areas in an image. Referring to the histogram when editing exposure settings can help you to get the right level of brightness in your image.

New Local Adjustments
The selective retouching tab allows you to adjust specific sections of your photo with gradients or the paintbrush.
In Photo Studio 10, we have added new sliders to the selective retouching tab, meaning that you can now make even more edits to your photos. The new local adjustments are hue, whites, blacks, dehaze, sharpness and noise reduction.

RAW Images
Photo Studio 10 now supports RAW format images. Raw images are not pre-processed and compressed like standard image formats such as JPEG, meaning they take up a lot of disk space. Because raw images are heavy and because the format varies between camera manufacturers, it is often difficult to open them in software programs. However, thanks to improvements made by inPixio developers, now you can open and edit all you raw images in Photo Studio.

Interactive Film Strip
We mentioned usability improvements, and this is one of the big ones. The filmstrip is the panel at the bottom of the Photo Studio interface that displays all the images in a selected file. In Version 10, it is now fully interactive. This means that in Photo Editor you can filter images easily by date taken, camera, file type and a range of other criteria. You can also apply edits directly from the filmstrip. For example, you can autocorrect an image with a simple right-click without opening it in the workspace. You can also delete edits in the same way.

Video Tutorials
Even with the easiest software, you may need a little extra help from time to time. Our video tutorials are designed to guide you through some of the main tools and the main uses of Photo Studio, so that you can get to know the program more quickly and get the best possible results. Photo Studio 10 comes with a new section for Video Tutorials: simply click on the link to access the playlist of tutorials. A database of support resources is also available from the Assistance section of the menu.

New Content
Our users requested it and we are more than happy to oblige! In Photo Studio 10, you will find a selection of new backgrounds and other visual content in both the Photo Cutter and Photo Editor modules. Try personalizing the new stickers by editing colors and more. And of course, don't forget to try out the new backgrounds in your photomontages. We particularly love the new Hollywood background and cannot wait to see what our users do with this!

System Requirements:
- Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7
- 1 GHz Intel® Pentium® processor or equivalent
- 1 GB RAM CD/DVD ROM drive
- 100 MB hard disk space, mouse and keyboard

Homepage -


InPixio Photo Studio Ultimate v10.0.0 + Portable


InPixio Photo Studio Ultimate v10.0.0 + Portable

Größe: 955 MB
Sprache: Multi
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows

Photo Studio beschreibt genau, was unsere Software heute ist: ein vollwertiges Bearbeitungsprogramm, mit dem Sie Ihre Bilder auf Ihre Weise erstellen können. Wir freuen uns sehr über diese neue Identität und hoffen, dass Ihnen der neue Name genauso gut gefällt wie uns. Und seien Sie versichert, der Name könnte sich ändern, aber all die Dinge, die unsere Benutzer an Photo Clip lieben, bleiben erhalten: Photo Studio 10 wird weiterhin eine benutzerfreundliche Fotobearbeitungssoftware sein, die viele unterhaltsame Inhalte enthält, mit denen Sie die perfekten Fotos erstellen können und Fotomontagen. Lesen Sie weiter, um mehr über alle neuen Funktionen und Verbesserungen in Photo Studio 10 zu erfahren.


InPixio Photo Studio Ultimate v10.0.0

Multilingual/Deutsch / inkl. Activator



Photo Studio beschreibt genau, was unsere Software heute ist: ein vollwertiges Bearbeitungsprogramm, mit dem Sie Ihre Bilder auf Ihre Weise erstellen können. Wir freuen uns sehr über diese neue Identität und hoffen, dass Ihnen der neue Name genauso gut gefällt wie uns. Und seien Sie versichert, der Name könnte sich ändern, aber all die Dinge, die unsere Benutzer an Photo Clip lieben, bleiben erhalten: Photo Studio 10 wird weiterhin eine benutzerfreundliche Fotobearbeitungssoftware sein, die viele unterhaltsame Inhalte enthält, mit denen Sie die perfekten Fotos erstellen können und Fotomontagen. Lesen Sie weiter, um mehr über alle neuen Funktionen und Verbesserungen in Photo Studio 10 zu erfahren.

Photo Clip ist jetzt Photo Studio
Das Erste, was Sie über Version 10 von Photo Clip wissen sollten, ist, dass es einen neuen Namen hat: Photo Studio. Warum den Namen ändern? Da die neueste Version der Software so viele Funktionen bietet, haben wir beschlossen, dass es Zeit für ein Upgrade ist. Unsere Flaggschiff-Fotoclip-Software hat sich im Laufe der Jahre stark weiterentwickelt, von einem Programm zum Erstellen von Hintergrundausschnitten zu einer multifunktionalen Suite von Anwendungen, die eine Reihe von Bearbeitungsanforderungen vom Löschen bis zur Verbesserung abdecken.


Größe: 506 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows (32 oder 64-Bit)
Hoster: RapidGator.net, Alfafile.net, DDl.to


InPixio Photo Studio Ultimate 10.01.0

Multilingual/Deutsch / inkl. Keygen n-Gen



Photo Studio beschreibt genau, was unsere Software heute ist: ein vollwertiges Bearbeitungsprogramm, mit dem Sie Ihre Bilder auf Ihre Weise erstellen können. Wir freuen uns sehr über diese neue Identität und hoffen, dass Ihnen der neue Name genauso gut gefällt wie uns. Und seien Sie versichert, der Name könnte sich ändern, aber all die Dinge, die unsere Benutzer an Photo Clip lieben, bleiben erhalten: Photo Studio 10 wird weiterhin eine benutzerfreundliche Fotobearbeitungssoftware sein, die viele unterhaltsame Inhalte enthält, mit denen Sie die perfekten Fotos erstellen können und Fotomontagen. Lesen Sie weiter, um mehr über alle neuen Funktionen und Verbesserungen in Photo Studio 10 zu erfahren.

Photo Clip ist jetzt Photo Studio
Das Erste, was Sie über Version 10 von Photo Clip wissen sollten, ist, dass es einen neuen Namen hat: Photo Studio. Warum den Namen ändern? Da die neueste Version der Software so viele Funktionen bietet, haben wir beschlossen, dass es Zeit für ein Upgrade ist. Unsere Flaggschiff-Fotoclip-Software hat sich im Laufe der Jahre stark weiterentwickelt, von einem Programm zum Erstellen von Hintergrundausschnitten zu einer multifunktionalen Suite von Anwendungen, die eine Reihe von Bearbeitungsanforderungen vom Löschen bis zur Verbesserung abdecken.


Größe: 504 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows (32 oder 64-Bit)
Hoster: RapidGator.net, Alfafile.net, DDl.to


InPixio Photo Studio Ultimate v10.0.0 + Portable


InPixio Photo Studio Ultimate v10.01.0 + Portable

Größe: 1025 MB
Sprache: Multi
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows

Photo Studio 10 Ultimate bietet professionelle Funktionen zur Fotobearbeitung und -organisation, spektakuläre Spezialeffekte und Fotoprojekte in professioneller Qualität - alles in einer leistungsstarken Suite.

Mit Photo Studio 10 Ultimate ist es jetzt einfacher als je zuvor, die Leistung Ihrer Digitalkamera freizuschalten. Beschneiden, begradigen und korrigieren Sie Farb-, Helligkeits- und Korrekturfehler mit einem Klick. Retusche leicht gemacht! Glatte Haut, dunkle Ringe entfernen, Zähne aufhellen und vieles mehr. Verbessern, wiederherstellen und reparieren Sie alte Bilder. Plus viele, viele weitere Funktionen. Professionelle Fotobearbeitung


InPixio Photo Studio Ultimate 10.02.0 Multilingual


InPixio Photo Studio Ultimate 10.02.0 Multilingual | 521 MB

Photo Studio describes exactly what our software is today: a fully-fledged editing program that lets you create your pictures in your way. We're really excited about this new identity and hope you like the new name as much as we do. And rest-assured, the name might be changing but all the things our users love about Photo Clip are here to stay: Photo Studio 10 will still be a user-friendly photo editing software, full of fun content to help you create the perfect photos and photo montages. Read on to find out more about all the new features and improvements in Photo Studio 10.

Photo Clip is now Photo Studio
The first thing to know about version 10 of Photo Clip is that it has a new name: Photo Studio. Why change the name? Because the latest version of the software is so packed full of features that we decided it was time for an upgrade. Our flagship Photo Clip software has evolved a lot over the years, from a program for making background cutouts to a multi-functional suite of applications, covering a range of editing needs from erasing to enhancing.

Cutout and background erasing is now just one aspect of the program. Recent versions of the software also include:
- Advanced photomontage possibilities, such as adding new images, backgrounds, text and stickers to a photo.
- Erase tools, which remove distracting items from your photos, while preserving the original background.
- Tools for correcting and enhancing your photos. For example, the auto-correction function, which adds color and brightness to photos with just a single click.

New in Photo Studio 10:
As with every new release, we have updated Photo Studio to provide even more editing possibilities. This time, we have also put a big focus on improving performance and usability so that you can edit better and faster than ever. Here is a selection of the top new features to look forward to in Photo Studio 10.

Perspective tool
The perspective tool is a smart new feature that is useful for correcting photos of buildings and architecture.
You have probably had that experience where you want to photograph a beautiful building but you can't get far enough way to get it in shot, so instead you have to shoot "upwards" or from an angle. This leads to something called perspective distortion in your image, where the lines of your building don't appear straight. For example, if you photograph a tall building, such as a cathedral, from below, the result may look tilted as if the structure is leaning away from you.

The Perspective tool helps you to remove this distortion and correct any tilted or skewed appearance in your photos. If this sounds complicated, don't worry: the tool is very easy to use with three automatic settings, for horizontal, vertical and full correction. After the auto correct has done its work, you can use simple sliders to make the final adjustments yourself. Finally, if you want to have full control over the process there is also a manual mode where you can apply guides to your photo to make a precise correction. In short, you can say goodbye to (unwanted) slanting in your architecture photos, thanks to this new tool.

inPixio Photo Transfer
To coincide with the launch of Photo Studio, we are releasing a complimentary new app that you can download from the App Store or Google Play. With the inPixio Photo Transfer app, you can copy photos easily from your smartphone to your PC or Mac using Wi-Fi.

The app was designed as a helpful tool to facilitate photo editing with PC and Mac-based inPixio software. With a few clicks and a Wi-Fi connection, you can transfer your entire photo library to your laptop and download images ready for editing in Photo Studio. There is no need for a cable, cloud service, or software and your photos remain safe with no external storage. The app is also a useful way to back up your photos to your computer and save space on your cell phone.

EXIF data and Histogram
EXIF metadata is a set of information attached to a photo and stored automatically in your camera or smartphone. This can include date, location and more. When you upload a photo to Photo Studio, you can now view and edit all of this information. For example, you can add tags and ratings or even copyright information to a photo. This is useful for organizing your photos to help you quickly find what you're looking for. It's also especially useful if you upload your photos to online platforms such as Flickr.

Another new source of information in Photo Studio 10 is the Histogram. This measures exposure levels in your photo so you can get a better idea of the light and dark areas in an image. Referring to the histogram when editing exposure settings can help you to get the right level of brightness in your image.

New Local Adjustments
The selective retouching tab allows you to adjust specific sections of your photo with gradients or the paintbrush.
In Photo Studio 10, we have added new sliders to the selective retouching tab, meaning that you can now make even more edits to your photos. The new local adjustments are hue, whites, blacks, dehaze, sharpness and noise reduction.

RAW Images
Photo Studio 10 now supports RAW format images. Raw images are not pre-processed and compressed like standard image formats such as JPEG, meaning they take up a lot of disk space. Because raw images are heavy and because the format varies between camera manufacturers, it is often difficult to open them in software programs. However, thanks to improvements made by inPixio developers, now you can open and edit all you raw images in Photo Studio.

Interactive Film Strip
We mentioned usability improvements, and this is one of the big ones. The filmstrip is the panel at the bottom of the Photo Studio interface that displays all the images in a selected file. In Version 10, it is now fully interactive. This means that in Photo Editor you can filter images easily by date taken, camera, file type and a range of other criteria. You can also apply edits directly from the filmstrip. For example, you can autocorrect an image with a simple right-click without opening it in the workspace. You can also delete edits in the same way.

Video Tutorials
Even with the easiest software, you may need a little extra help from time to time. Our video tutorials are designed to guide you through some of the main tools and the main uses of Photo Studio, so that you can get to know the program more quickly and get the best possible results. Photo Studio 10 comes with a new section for Video Tutorials: simply click on the link to access the playlist of tutorials. A database of support resources is also available from the Assistance section of the menu.

New Content
Our users requested it and we are more than happy to oblige! In Photo Studio 10, you will find a selection of new backgrounds and other visual content in both the Photo Cutter and Photo Editor modules. Try personalizing the new stickers by editing colors and more. And of course, don't forget to try out the new backgrounds in your photomontages. We particularly love the new Hollywood background and cannot wait to see what our users do with this!

System Requirements:
- Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7
- 1 GHz Intel® Pentium® processor or equivalent
- 1 GB RAM CD/DVD ROM drive
- 100 MB hard disk space, mouse and keyboard

Home Page -


InPixio Photo Studio Ultimate v10.03.0


InPixio Photo Studio Ultimate v10.03.0

Größe: 519 MB
Sprache: Multi
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows

Photo Studio beschreibt genau, was unsere Software heute ist: ein vollwertiges Bearbeitungsprogramm, mit dem Sie Ihre Bilder auf Ihre Weise erstellen können. Wir freuen uns sehr über diese neue Identität und hoffen, dass Ihnen der neue Name genauso gut gefällt wie uns. Und seien Sie versichert, der Name könnte sich ändern, aber all die Dinge, die unsere Benutzer an Photo Clip lieben, bleiben erhalten: Photo Studio 10 wird weiterhin eine benutzerfreundliche Fotobearbeitungssoftware sein, die viele unterhaltsame Inhalte enthält, mit denen Sie die perfekten Fotos erstellen können und Fotomontagen. Lesen Sie weiter, um mehr über alle neuen Funktionen und Verbesserungen in Photo Studio 10 zu erfahren.


InPixio Photo Studio Ultimate v10.03.0

Multilingual/Deutsch / Pre-Activated (Voraktiviert)



Photo Studio beschreibt genau, was unsere Software heute ist: ein vollwertiges Bearbeitungsprogramm, mit dem Sie Ihre Bilder auf Ihre Weise erstellen können. Wir freuen uns sehr über diese neue Identität und hoffen, dass Ihnen der neue Name genauso gut gefällt wie uns. Und seien Sie versichert, der Name könnte sich ändern, aber all die Dinge, die unsere Benutzer an Photo Clip lieben, bleiben erhalten: Photo Studio 10 wird weiterhin eine benutzerfreundliche Fotobearbeitungssoftware sein, die viele unterhaltsame Inhalte enthält, mit denen Sie die perfekten Fotos erstellen können und Fotomontagen. Lesen Sie weiter, um mehr über alle neuen Funktionen und Verbesserungen in Photo Studio 10 zu erfahren.

Photo Clip ist jetzt Photo Studio
Das Erste, was Sie über Version 10 von Photo Clip wissen sollten, ist, dass es einen neuen Namen hat: Photo Studio. Warum den Namen ändern? Da die neueste Version der Software so viele Funktionen bietet, haben wir beschlossen, dass es Zeit für ein Upgrade ist. Unsere Flaggschiff-Fotoclip-Software hat sich im Laufe der Jahre stark weiterentwickelt, von einem Programm zum Erstellen von Hintergrundausschnitten zu einer multifunktionalen Suite von Anwendungen, die eine Reihe von Bearbeitungsanforderungen vom Löschen bis zur Verbesserung abdecken.


Größe: 523 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows (32 oder 64-Bit)
Hoster: RapidGator.net, Alfafile.net, Ddownload.com


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