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DxO Photolab v3


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
DxO Photolab Elite Edition


Format: DMG

DxO PhotoLab 3 der neue HSL (Farbton, Sättigung und Luminanz) Tool ist
eine spannende und hervorragend visuelle Art und Weise Farbe zu verwalten,
die Sie Bilder produzierenkreativer und natürlich wirkende helfen können. Die
neue DxO Colorwheel ist ein fantastisches neues Farbanpassungswerkzeug,
das Sie Farbe reicht von acht separaten Kanälen zu wählen, einschließlich
orange und lila verwenden können.
  • Größe: 330 MB
  • Sprache: Deutsch
  • Entwickler:
  • Kompatibilität: OS X 10.12 oder neuer, 64-Bit-Prozessor
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
DxO PhotoLab 3 ELITE Edition macOS || Multi-Deutsch


Entworfen mit und für ambitionierte Fotografen und Liebhaber schöner Bilder, bietet DxO PhotoLab 3 die intuitivsten und leistungsstärksten Werkzeuge zur Bildbearbeitung und Korrektur auf dem Markt.
Das neue HSL-Werkzeug (Farbton, Sättigung und Helligkeit) von DxO PhotoLab 3 ist eine aufregende und hervorragende visuelle Methode zur Farbverwaltung, mit der Sie kreativere und natürlichere Bilder erstellen können. Das neue DxO ColorWheel ist ein fantastisches neues Farbanpassungswerkzeug, mit dem Sie Farbbereiche aus acht verschiedenen Kanälen auswählen können, einschließlich Orange und Lila.
Das Farbrad DxO ColorWheel kann Farbwerte präzise einstellen, Ersatzfarben auswählen und sogar Übergänge und Farbtöne anpassen, um unverwechselbare Effekte zu erzielen.




DOWNLOAD || 361 MB || Format: .dmg

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
DxO PhotoLab 3 ELITE Edition Multilingual (MacOSX)


DxO PhotoLab 3 ELITE Edition Multilingual (MacOSX) | 341 MB

DxO PhotoLab (was DxO Optics Pro) provides a complete set of smart assisted corrections that you can manually fine-tune at any time. Take control on every aspect of your photos: effectively remove noise, get rid of light constraints, recover color details, apply sophisticated optical corrections, and enhance details.

DxO PhotoLab 3's new HSL (Hue, Saturation, and Luminance) Tool is an exciting and superbly visual way to manage color that can help you produce more creative and natural-looking images. The new DxO ColorWheel is a fantastic new color adjustment tool that you can use to select color ranges from eight separate channels, including orange and purple.
The DxO ColorWheel can fine-tune color values, select replacement colors, and it can even adjust transitions and tints for truly distinctive effects.

- DxO Smart Lighting
- DxO ClearView
- Optical Corrections
- Introducing U Point

Compatibility: OS X 10.11 or later 64-bit.



DxO PhotoLab 3 ELITE Edition Multilingual (MacOSX)


DxO PhotoLab 3 ELITE Edition Multilingual (MacOSX) | 324 MB | Language: Multilanguage

DxO PhotoLab (was DxO Optics Pro) provides a complete set of smart assisted corrections that you can manually fine-tune at any time. Take control on every aspect of your photos: effectively remove noise, get rid of light constraints, recover color details, apply sophisticated optical corrections, and enhance details.

DxO PhotoLab 3's new HSL (Hue, Saturation, and Luminance) Tool is an exciting and superbly visual way to manage color that can help you produce more creative and natural-looking images. The new DxO ColorWheel is a fantastic new color adjustment tool that you can use to select color ranges from eight separate channels, including orange and purple.
The DxO ColorWheel can fine-tune color values, select replacement colors, and it can even adjust transitions and tints for truly distinctive effects.

- DxO Smart Lighting
- DxO ClearView
- Optical Corrections
- Introducing U Point

Compatibility: OS X 10.11 or later 64-bit.



DxO PhotoLab 3 ELITE Edition Multilingual (MacOSX)


DxO PhotoLab 3 ELITE Edition Multilingual (MacOSX) | 324 MB | Language: Multilanguage

DxO PhotoLab (was DxO Optics Pro) provides a complete set of smart assisted corrections that you can manually fine-tune at any time. Take control on every aspect of your photos: effectively remove noise, get rid of light constraints, recover color details, apply sophisticated optical corrections, and enhance details.

DxO PhotoLab 3's new HSL (Hue, Saturation, and Luminance) Tool is an exciting and superbly visual way to manage color that can help you produce more creative and natural-looking images. The new DxO ColorWheel is a fantastic new color adjustment tool that you can use to select color ranges from eight separate channels, including orange and purple.
The DxO ColorWheel can fine-tune color values, select replacement colors, and it can even adjust transitions and tints for truly distinctive effects.

- DxO Smart Lighting
- DxO ClearView
- Optical Corrections
- Introducing U Point

Compatibility: OS X 10.11 or later 64-bit.




DxO PhotoLab 3 ELITE Edition v3.3.4.65 Multilingual (MacOSX)


DxO PhotoLab 3 ELITE Edition v3.3.4.65 Multilingual (MacOSX) | 324 MB | Language: Multilanguage

DxO PhotoLab (was DxO Optics Pro) provides a complete set of smart assisted corrections that you can manually fine-tune at any time. Take control on every aspect of your photos: effectively remove noise, get rid of light constraints, recover color details, apply sophisticated optical corrections, and enhance details.

DxO PhotoLab 3's new HSL (Hue, Saturation, and Luminance) Tool is an exciting and superbly visual way to manage color that can help you produce more creative and natural-looking images. The new DxO ColorWheel is a fantastic new color adjustment tool that you can use to select color ranges from eight separate channels, including orange and purple.

The DxO ColorWheel can fine-tune color values, select replacement colors, and it can even adjust transitions and tints for truly distinctive effects.

- DxO Smart Lighting
- DxO ClearView
- Optical Corrections
- Introducing U Point

Compatibility: OS X 10.11 or later 64-bit.


Größe: 324 MB
Sprache: Multilingual-Deutsch
Format: .rar / .dmg
Mac Plattform: Intel


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)





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