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    - Achtet darauf immer nur die Hauptversion und deren Updates in einem Thread zusammenfassen, konkretes Beispiel: SoftwareXY v3.12 gehört in den selben Thread mit SoftwareXY v3.13; SoftwareXY v.4.1 gehört in einen neuen eigenen Thread. Ausgenommen hiervon sind Sammelthreads und Dauerangebote.
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    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

    - Keylogger, Spionagetools, alles rund ums Thema Hacking/Cracking ist nicht erwünscht.
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Adobe Illustrator CC v2015


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 v19.0.0


Adobe Illustrator CC software is the industry standard vector-drawing environment for designing across media. Express your creative vision with shapes, color, effects, and typography. Adobe Illustrator CC works with speed and stability on large, complex files, and move designs efficiently among Adobe’s creative applications.

Some new features:
Rectangles now have quickly modifiable corners, including independent radius control. Corner attributes are retained if you scale and rotate your rectangle. Now Illustrator remembers your work — width, height, rotation, corner treatment — so you can return to your original shape.

See the path you’re drawing before you drop your next point. A rubberband-like line from your last anchor point to the tip of the pen appears as you draw. Visualize where the next curve will go as you plot your next point — and spend less time cleaning up paths.

Fine adjustment of curves is now easier. New anchor point controls allow unequal or different-direction handles to be dragged as you draw to control the smoothness of each segment. You can even change a corner point to smooth without ruining your shape.

When snapping is turned on, your anchor points align perfectly to your choice of pixel, grid, or point. But your anchor handles should not. They’re now disengaged from snapping so you can preserve the precision of your curves and achieve fine control while editing.

Close your paths with precision and predictability. As you complete a drawing, you now have more control connecting the end and start points. Reposition your closing point or choose to break the direction lines to adjust the closing curve exactly as you wish.

Lang: Multi
Size: 1,72 GB
Format: .dmg
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: mojado

Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 v19.0.0 MacOSX


Illustrator CC. Brandneu in 2015. Erstellen Sie beeindruckende Vektorgrafiken – dort, wo Sie inspiriert werden.
Das leistungsstarke Werkzeug-Set für Vektorgrafik und Illustration hat einen Performance-Schub erhalten – 10 Mal schneller als Illustrator CS6 – und lässt Sie intuitiver zeichnen. Alle Ihre Kreativ-Assets sind sowohl über den Desktop als auch über Mobilgeräte abrufbar, sodass Sie an jedem Ort gestalten können.

Format: dmg
Sprache: Multi incl. Deutsch
Größe: 1,73GB
Hoster: share-online, uploaded
Passwort: keins

Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 v19.2.0 für MacOSX

Entpacken --> Installieren --> Beigelegten Crack verwenden --> Fertig!


Illustrator CC. Brandneu in 2015. Erstellen Sie beeindruckende Vektorgrafiken – dort, wo Sie inspiriert werden.

Das leistungsstarke Werkzeug-Set für Vektorgrafik und Illustration hat einen Performance-Schub erhalten – 10 Mal schneller als Illustrator CS6 – und lässt Sie intuitiver zeichnen. Alle Ihre Kreativ-Assets sind sowohl über den Desktop als auch über Mobilgeräte abrufbar, sodass Sie an jedem Ort gestalten können.

Hoster: Uploaded.to, Share-online.biz
Größe: 2,2 GB
Format: .dmg
Sprache: Deutsch





Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 v19.2.0


Adobe Illustrator CC software is the industry standard vector-drawing environment for designing across media. Express your creative vision with shapes, color, effects, and typography. Adobe Illustrator CC works with speed and stability on large, complex files, and move designs efficiently among Adobe’s creative applications.

Some new features:
Rectangles now have quickly modifiable corners, including independent radius control. Corner attributes are retained if you scale and rotate your rectangle. Now Illustrator remembers your work — width, height, rotation, corner treatment — so you can return to your original shape.

See the path you’re drawing before you drop your next point. A rubberband-like line from your last anchor point to the tip of the pen appears as you draw. Visualize where the next curve will go as you plot your next point — and spend less time cleaning up paths.

Fine adjustment of curves is now easier. New anchor point controls allow unequal or different-direction handles to be dragged as you draw to control the smoothness of each segment. You can even change a corner point to smooth without ruining your shape.

When snapping is turned on, your anchor points align perfectly to your choice of pixel, grid, or point. But your anchor handles should not. They’re now disengaged from snapping so you can preserve the precision of your curves and achieve fine control while editing.

Close your paths with precision and predictability. As you complete a drawing, you now have more control connecting the end and start points. Reposition your closing point or choose to break the direction lines to adjust the closing curve exactly as you wish.

Lang: Multi
Size: 1,72 GB
Format: .dmg
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: coz45

Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 v19.2.1


Adobe Illustrator CC software is the industry standard vector-drawing environment for designing across media. Express your creative vision with shapes, color, effects, and typography. Adobe Illustrator CC works with speed and stability on large, complex files, and move designs efficiently among Adobe’s creative applications.

Some new features:
Rectangles now have quickly modifiable corners, including independent radius control. Corner attributes are retained if you scale and rotate your rectangle. Now Illustrator remembers your work — width, height, rotation, corner treatment — so you can return to your original shape.

See the path you’re drawing before you drop your next point. A rubberband-like line from your last anchor point to the tip of the pen appears as you draw. Visualize where the next curve will go as you plot your next point — and spend less time cleaning up paths.

Fine adjustment of curves is now easier. New anchor point controls allow unequal or different-direction handles to be dragged as you draw to control the smoothness of each segment. You can even change a corner point to smooth without ruining your shape.

When snapping is turned on, your anchor points align perfectly to your choice of pixel, grid, or point. But your anchor handles should not. They’re now disengaged from snapping so you can preserve the precision of your curves and achieve fine control while editing.

Close your paths with precision and predictability. As you complete a drawing, you now have more control connecting the end and start points. Reposition your closing point or choose to break the direction lines to adjust the closing curve exactly as you wish.

Lang: Multi
Size: 2,17 GB
Format: .dmg
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: coz45

Adobe Illustrator CC 2015.3 v20.0.0


Adobe Illustrator CC software is the industry standard vector-drawing environment for designing across media. Express your creative vision with shapes, color, effects, and typography. Adobe Illustrator CC works with speed and stability on large, complex files, and move designs efficiently among Adobe’s creative applications.

Some new features:
Rectangles now have quickly modifiable corners, including independent radius control. Corner attributes are retained if you scale and rotate your rectangle. Now Illustrator remembers your work — width, height, rotation, corner treatment — so you can return to your original shape.

See the path you’re drawing before you drop your next point. A rubberband-like line from your last anchor point to the tip of the pen appears as you draw. Visualize where the next curve will go as you plot your next point — and spend less time cleaning up paths.

Fine adjustment of curves is now easier. New anchor point controls allow unequal or different-direction handles to be dragged as you draw to control the smoothness of each segment. You can even change a corner point to smooth without ruining your shape.

When snapping is turned on, your anchor points align perfectly to your choice of pixel, grid, or point. But your anchor handles should not. They’re now disengaged from snapping so you can preserve the precision of your curves and achieve fine control while editing.

Close your paths with precision and predictability. As you complete a drawing, you now have more control connecting the end and start points. Reposition your closing point or choose to break the direction lines to adjust the closing curve exactly as you wish.

Lang: Multi
Size: 2,00 GB
Format: .dmg
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

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